Sentences with phrase «opposed prayer in our schools»

Not exact matches

Although it might also include opposing government encroachment on civil rights, such as, banning personal prayer in school, banning student led prayer groups and meet - at - the - flag - pole groups, and banning Muslism garb.
@SeanNJ, I would think the meetings would primarily be about educating the public on the separation of church and state and opposing religious encroachment on the public / government arena, e.g. creationism / ID in the science classroom, ten commandments displays in government buildings, school sanctioned prayer or religious activities.
Saying that in the military we can not say a open prayer and in school games can not say a open prayer Merry Christmas almost has become a curse retailers are afraid to oppose the gays and the gays protesting and violent against anyone that is in a opposing view.
Moral Majority and other groups for what they call «voluntary prayer» in the public schools threatens the religious liberty of the minority that will oppose prayer in general or particular prayers.
The topics of choice were harlots in the White House, baby - killers and anyone opposed to prayer in public schools.
(1) School prayer: Despite the over-whelming weight of constitutional scholarship opposing state - sponsored school prayer, President Reagan has made known his wish to «get prayer back in the schools» (though in point of fact it has never been expeSchool prayer: Despite the over-whelming weight of constitutional scholarship opposing state - sponsored school prayer, President Reagan has made known his wish to «get prayer back in the schools» (though in point of fact it has never been expeschool prayer, President Reagan has made known his wish to «get prayer back in the schools» (though in point of fact it has never been expelled).
It is not difficult for religious groups to join with secular agencies like the ACLU in opposing fundamentalism, scientific creationism and school prayer.
Thus Machen, unlike most of his conservative peers, then and now, opposed Bible reading and prayer in the public schools as well as Christian political action on behalf of Prohibition.
In 2006 about 57 percent of nonteachers were against the Supreme Court's ban on school prayer, while only 36 percent of teachers opposed it.
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