Sentences with phrase «opposing sides began»

Not exact matches

When we increase, that is when we really begin to see where the sharps are siding opposed to the posturing they might do during the week.»
Exhale and begin to draw the leg over to the opposing side, with the other arm outstretched long beside you or in a cactus shape.
The video also briefly shows part of the opposing side's low - tech presentation (begins at 5:15), which is based on «sticky notes» and a PowerPoint template that is not tailored to the case at hand.
Immediately after you retain our services, we will begin taking the following actions in order to prove your claim and damages, and prevent the insurance company and opposing side from minimizing your claim.
Consider sporting competitions: Opposing sides always shake hands before the game or meet begins.
Instead of trying to smother emotions, you should address the opposing side's five core concerns as the deal - making process begins:
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