Sentences with phrase «opposite conclusions»

In Urban Communications Inc. v. BCNET Networking Society, the arbitrator and a single judge of the B.C. Supreme Court arrived at diametrically opposite conclusions as to whether the -LSB-...]
Layshock v. Hermitage School District and J.S. v. Blue Mountain School District were initially decided on the same day in the Third Circuit, but came to opposite conclusions, resulting in both being vacated and a new hearing en blanc, both released on June 13, 2011.
Assuming the Canadian courts continue to exclude consideration of the patent prosecution when construing claim terms, it is possible for courts in the United States and Canada to come to opposite conclusions on the meaning of claim terms even if the patents are the same.
Moreover, two recent French studies have come to opposite conclusions: the «Véran Report» (referred to by the Court of Justice) recommends to improve the individual questionnaire which will allow health practitioners to evaluate whether the sexual behavior of an individual male donor who had or has sex with men exposes him to a high risk of HIV infection, while the Comité Consultatif National d'Éthique pour les Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé suggested that the ban should be maintained.
This week two decisions, Clyde River (Hamlet) v. Petroleum Geo ‑ Services Inc. and Chippewas of the Thames First Nation v. Enbridge Pipelines Inc., provided seeming opposite conclusions on respectively rejecting seismic testing near traditional Inuit territory in Baffin Bay and at the same time approving the National Energy Board's plan for the Line 9 pipeline.
In fact, in recent months, studies have come to seemingly opposite conclusions further muddying the picture.
The situation remained as an expert had described it a century earlier: «from the data now in our possession, men of great ability and laborious industry draw opposite conclusions
It's easy to find mechanistic arguments to support both the conclusions of Armour et al and exactly opposite conclusions, the latter are actually more straightforward and the first choice.
Starting from two different decision frameworks (precautionary principle versus robust decision making) and assumptions about the nature of the uncertainty (PDF versus possibility distribution) results in opposite conclusions regarding whether uncertainty weakens or strengthens the case for action.
Consequently, inverting the sign of the correlation represents a rejection of a premise of the study, which implies invalidation of any conclusions it appears to reach (not to say proof of the opposite conclusions, of course).
It may surprise people that the famous mathematician, Benoit Mandelbrot, thought about this problem with completely opposite conclusions to realclimate.
The fact that we have two opposite conclusions, both with «very likely» confidence levels, is a classic situation of competing uncertainties, with the likelihood that both groups are not sufficiently accounting for the uncertainties.
Stronger or weaker inductive reasoning, or even inductive arguments of equal strength, may both be held true while reaching opposite conclusions.
Finally, the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), a group of distinguished scientists — many of whom had previously done work for the IPCC — released a report today that comes to almost diametrically opposite conclusions of the IPCC report, noting that the IPCC excluded data from its report that didn't agree with its conclusions.
There is enough uncertainty that, by weighting the evidence in ways that fit one's gut judgments, scientists can reach opposite conclusions.
These are simply myths and the medical facts support the opposite conclusions.
The two groups reached opposite conclusions.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago recently conducted a study focusing on Lending Club — the largest marketplace lending platform — and reached opposite conclusions from the researchers that authored the Cleveland Fed working paper.
This, I think, goes a long way towards explaining how Rothstein could draw opposite conclusions from the study based on the same set of results.
If social scientists can reach opposite conclusions from the same data set, then research, even from randomized field trials, may do little to inform policy debates.
Hank refers to the (science) literature as «messy» and he's right, with different labs coming to opposite conclusions using basically the same experiment protocols.
Two intelligent humans assess the mental feats of wild creatures and come to opposite conclusions
One reason physicists can reach such diametrically opposite conclusions is that the calculations are complicated and no one yet knows how to interpret them.
Googling «placenta» and «eat,» I got a list of stories that reached nearly opposite conclusions about the... Read More
«Earlier studies regarding lifetime alcohol consumption and risk of alcoholic cirrhosis reached opposite conclusions, for instance, whether a previous high level of alcohol amount predicted future risk, even after having cut down,» commented Dr. Askgaard.
Based on the assumption that brainstem death means life has ended, I would draw the opposite conclusions to medical ethicist...
Googling «placenta» and «eat,» I got a list of stories that reached nearly opposite conclusions about the practice.
Indeed, I never cease to be amazed at the opposite conclusions that different people often come to after hearing the same conversation.
Atheists and Christians can agree on the conundrums that drive them to opposite conclusions.
I do know Hebrew and Greek, and sought the truth my whole life, and live to be blameless before Him, and in the process have come to exactly the opposite conclusions as you state above.
Well I have studied textual criticism (though I can not claim a good working knowledge of Greek to be sure) and oddly enough, have come to exactly the opposite conclusions as you.
That is why we can all read the same biblical text and reach opposite conclusions.
As a result both investors might look at the same situation and come to opposite conclusions» David Einhorn
How can two different sets of researchers come to such opposite conclusions?
Her answer also cites a survey but one that reaches pretty much the opposite conclusion.
However, year - over-year analysis shows the opposite conclusion» [Econintersect].
My point is that, even taking their simplistic comparison of statutory rates and fiscal - year revenues on its own terms, it suggests the opposite conclusion for the whole decade.
This directly flies in the face of a much more broadly researched set of studies by economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff that reached the opposite conclusion — that recoveries from financial crises, and not just regular recessions, are agonizingly slow.
@ ME II: you go all the way through the passage, parsing it somewhat accurately... and then you jump to the exact opposite conclusion of what Jesus tells them to do: help your brother remove his speck.
Carl, I have come to the opposite conclusion.
@ joey: Mt. 7:1 - 5 actually comes to the exact OPPOSITE conclusion.
You said, «It is not immediately clear, since many people have done as you suggest, byt have reached the opposite conclusion.
By the end of it, Flournoy had in fact reached the opposite conclusion: that LDS doctrine is true, supported both by Mormon scriptures and the Bible.
The tobacco industry likes to portray itself as just another American business, but the facts point to precisely the opposite conclusion.
My experience is the exact opposite of yours, so I guess I come to the opposite conclusion.
The Obama administration's State Department conducted the same review two years ago and came to the opposite conclusion.
@ tal Is English your first language?You always come to the opposite conclusion of what is being said.
considering an Ivy league historian (Richard Bulliet) has relatively definitive book on the topic that is over 40 years old («The Camel & the Wheel», 1975) and which arrives at the exact opposite conclusion based on KNOWN evidences, it certainly would appear this a media - generated ratings grab without scholarly basis.
And thus, far from favoring the system of an absolute decree, the words would lead to the opposite conclusion, that the Creator, while «binding nature fast in fate, left free the human will» (Bloomfield, The Green Testament, ad loc.).
One might infer from this that the country is not so polarized as some think, but the opposite conclusion is probably closer to the mark: Both right and left assume that a fair presentation of the facts will obviously serve their ends.
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