Sentences with phrase «opposition party leaders»

The suspension of around $ 1.2 billion in assistance and Trump's accusations of Pakistani «lies and deceit» for allowing Taliban havens have stirred anger and demands from opposition party leader Imran Khan for both land and air links to be cut.
Tony Blair and Charles Clarke are to meet opposition party leaders at Downing Street today in an attempt to find a cross-party consensus on the detention of terrorist suspects.
Influenced and galvanised by the success of the «Arab Spring» and the anniversary of the February date of the 2008 uprising, opposition party leaders called for a peaceful and unified march on February 23.
The witticism refers to the regime's propensity to imprison political leaders, former allies and opposition party leaders alike.
The VP also will meet with Georgian Opposition Party leaders and Prime Minister Giorgi Kvrikashvili, and will deliver a speech before the couple departs on Air Force Two this afternoon for Podgorica, Montenegro, where they will have dinner with Prime Minister Duško Marković and President Filip Vujanović.
Mozambique approves amnesty law that allows opposition party leader to leave hideaway and sign peace accord, Reuters
After Harper delivered the apology in the House of Commons, opposition party leaders added their own remarks.
Nicola Sturgeon fielded questions from opposition party leaders and backbench MSPs for the first time in 2016
The prime minister spoke to an audience of MSPs, staff and the media after meeting opposition party leaders.
«Respect» for Scotland The prime minister travelled to Edinburgh to meet with First Minister Alex Salmond and opposition party leaders.
The level of government funding for the project has drawn criticism, with the Alberta parliament's opposition party leader, liberal David Swann, saying that at least half the investment would be better spent on public transit, renewable energy and energy retrofits.
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