Sentences with phrase «optical apparatus»

The exhibition brings together 75 prints, books, photographs and examples of optical apparatus to present a visual and cultural history of the controlling gaze from the 16th to the 20th century.
Not all cases are evident on x-rays and it is sometimes necessary to examine these joints with fiber - optical apparatus to identify the problem (similar to these arthroscopes).
A more advanced way is to remove the samples through a fiber - optical apparatus called an endoscope while your cat is anesthetized.
To extend the capabilities of this technology beneath the cortex, an optrode system for targeted deep brain stimulation and recording will be developed and integrated into the optical apparatus.
Experimental results show that almost 40 % of the photons are easily collected with a very simple optical apparatus, and over 20 % of the photons are emitted into a very low numerical aperture, a 20-fold improvement over a freestanding quantum dot, and with a probability of more than 70 % for a single photon emission.
Gifts, either of the flesh or of the spirit; and the spirit bloweth where it listeth; and the world's materials lend their surface passively to all the gifts alike, as the stage - setting receives indifferently whatever alternating colored lights may be shed upon it from the optical apparatus in the gallery.

Not exact matches

The researchers found that their simplified comb (the entire electro - optical comb apparatus requires only half of the space available on a standard 19 - inch instrumentation rack) provided steady calibration at room temperature for more than five days at IRTF.
For their second new series, Broomberg & Chanarin have photographed military grade prisms, shards of optical glass that are used in the sights of precision weaponry, but which also relate to the lenses found in the same photographic apparatus they use.
Leonard takes up this principle in order to investigate vision as not only an optical process but also a temporal and social experience; she places us directly inside the camera, engaging with the apparatus of sight itself.
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