Sentences with phrase «optical emission lines»

Otherwise, HD110432 and gamma Cas share similarly peculiar X-ray and optical characteristics such as high X-ray temperature, erratic X-ray variability on timescales of a few hours, optical emission lines, and submigrating features in optical line profiles.
This study makes the first direct comparison between the optical emission line and the ultraviolet and infrared tracers of star formation and indicates that, despite the underlying uncertainties, astronomers can trust the nebular emission lines as robust indicators of the star - formation rate and the amount of light that is obscured by dust in distant galaxies.

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In green, emission of the same ion in the excited lines by collisions, taken with the narrow filter [O III] of the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT).
The MOIRCS near - infrared spectrograph is very effective for studies focused on the distant, early universe because strong emission lines from star - forming galaxies are redshifted from the optical to the near - infrared regime.
They occur when charged space particles, typically from the sun, stream along a planet's magnetic field lines and interact with atmospheric atoms, producing not only optical light but also radio emissions.
The extreme end of this, at very large optical depth throughout a deep part of the atmosphere, is when the OLR slope flattens out to a horizontal line and the outgoing emission becomes completely decoupled from the surface temperature, which is when a runaway greenhouse can kick in.
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