Sentences with phrase «optical emission properties»

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The functionalized carbon nanotubes have significant prospects for further development, Doorn noted, including advances in functionalization chemistry; integration into photonic, plasmonic and metamaterials structures for further control of quantum emission properties; and implementation into electrically driven devices and optical circuitry for diverse applications.
Quantum dots are nanoparticles made of a semiconductor material, that have unique optical properties: the wavelength (and thus color) of their light emission depends on their size rather than the material they are made of.
Temperature tends to respond so that, depending on optical properties, LW emission will tend to reduce the vertical differential heating by cooling warmer parts more than cooler parts (for the surface and atmosphere); also (not significant within the atmosphere and ocean in general, but significant at the interface betwen the surface and the air, and also significant (in part due to the small heat fluxes involved, viscosity in the crust and somewhat in the mantle (where there are thick boundary layers with superadiabatic lapse rates) and thermal conductivity of the core) in parts of the Earth's interior) temperature changes will cause conduction / diffusion of heat that partly balances the differential heating.
Including emission along a path (Schwarzchild's equation), a flux will approach saturation as the optical thickness becomes large over scales where the temperature variation is small; at smaller optical thicknesses, the temperature distribution may vary and larger temperature variations make the nonlinearity of the Planck function important, but over short distances, the temperature variation can be approximated as linear and the associated Planck function values can be approximated as linearly proportional to distance for small temperature changes, so the flux will approach an asymptotic value as a hyperbolic function (the difference between the flux and the saturation value of the flux will be proportional to 1 / optical thickness per unit distance (assuming isotropic optical properties (or even somewhat anisotropic properties), it will have that proportionality for all directions and thus for the whole flux across an area).
Additional output from the ACCMIP runs will include concentration / mass of radiatively active species, aerosol optical properties, and radiative forcings (clear and all sky) as well as important parameters that do not directly influence climate such as hydroxyl, chemical reaction rates, deposition rates, emission rates, surface pollutants and diagnostics of tracer transport.
We assume the effects of varying dust, sea - salt and DMS emissions can be adequately accounted for with emission and removal diagnostics and fully endorse the AeroCom simulations with prescribed optical properties.
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