Sentences with phrase «optical stimulation»

Z. Millan and P. Janak, «Optical stimulation of nucleus accumbens shell - projecting basolateral amygdala neurons suppresses Pavlovian cue - conditioned alcohol seeking and unconditioned homecage alcohol drinking.»
«While reducing the sensation for chronic pain by optical stimulation, we still want to sense certain types of pain because they tell us to move our hands or legs away from something that is too hot or that might otherwise hurt us if we get too close,» Mohanty said.
These findings, published in the scientific journal Neuron, were obtained by resorting to modern imaging and optical stimulation tools, offering an innovative alternative to the classical electrode approach.
To the rescue rides an amazing technology, a fusion of molecular biology with optical stimulation, dubbed optogenetics.
«We're the first to develop something that enables simultaneous electrical recording and optical stimulation in the spinal cords of freely moving mice,» said the paper's lead author, CSNE member and MIT graduate student, Chi (Alice) Lu in MIT News.
The technique used in the study — optical stimulation of brain cells, or «optogenetics» — involves the insertion of a gene into parts of a brain to make them sensitive to blue light and then stimulating them with the light.
This phenomenon can only be explained by optical stimulation, showing that the previous description of superradiance as atomic stimulation is incomplete and that matter - wave amplification in Bose - Einstein condensates is suppressed at short times.
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