Sentences with phrase «optimal social functioning»

Brain regions that contribute to optimal social functioning also are vital to general intelligence and to emotional intelligence.

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The fact that China's debt is rising much more quickly than China's debt servicing capacity is consistent with my implicit model — which claims that the optimal amount of capital stock in China is a function of China's relatively low level of social capital, and that Chinese investment has far exceeded its optimal level — but it doesn't prove it.
I believe optimal health requires achieving balance between our mental, physical, emotional and social functioning.
If any part of us is out of balance; whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual or social we are unable to function to our optimal selves.
For those who have a language barrier, translation services are available so families can get the social services and mental health care they need in order to function at an optimal level.
Our regulatory systems keep our behavioral, social, emotional, and brain functioning in an integrated optimal range for adaptive functioning around various set - points.
Challenging behavior in the early years of development, defined as «any repeated pattern of behavior or perception of behavior that interferes with or is at risk of interfering with optimal learning or engagement in pro-social interactions with peers and adults» (Systems of service delivery: A synthesis of evidence relevant to young children at risk of or who have challenging behavior, University of South Florida, Tampa, 2003), can have pervasive deleterious effects on the child's social emotional functioning, learning, and longitudinal outcomes over time (Behav Disord, 32:29 — 45, 2006; Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: Progress and possibilities.
Further, loneliness may contribute to increased depressive symptoms and social anxiety (Fontaine et al. 2009; Lasgaard et al. 2011; Storch et al. 2003), which in turn may interfere with optimal sleep functioning.
As we continue to see the growth of diverse and adaptive family forms in response to social change, society should support their optimal functioning.
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