Sentences with phrase «optimistic person by»

Ed Walters: Well, you know me Bob, I am an optimistic person by nature, but I have literally never been more excited and optimistic about Fastcase than I am in January of 2016.
I am a happy, go - lucky, optimistic person by nature.
I'm a pretty optimistic person by nature, but as humans we all can get caught up in negativity.
I'm a very optimistic person by nature but I'm also a realist.

Not exact matches

Despite Gov. Ricardo Rosselló's optimistic promise of getting 100 percent power back by Christmas, most people have accepted that this will be a Navidad without lights.
While almost every successful business venture owes some portion of its success to a lucky break, the luck - dominant business leaders strategically expose themselves to luck by developing organic, deep connections with a group of people and then having the open and optimistic outlook in life to be able to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.
As reported by Business Insider, Mr. Corley says in his book Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, that rich people tend to avoid people who are pessimistic, instead focusing on relationships with people who are «goal - oriented, optimistic, enthusiastic, and who have an overall positive mental outlook.»
I know one pastor who has since left the ministry who was told by his authorities that his worship music must always be positive, optimistic and celebratory because that's what people want, that's what will keep them coming, and if you provide it consistently they will become your strongest supporters.
Permit me to preface my remarks by saying that I do not wish to take a position on the thorny doctrinal question whether we know that some (unknown) persons will be damned, although I take it for granted» as do von Balthasar and Neuhaus» that Catholic theology does not hold or teach that we know all will be saved, a proposition it is unlikely even the optimistic Origen affirmed with certainty, and is surely difficult to square with Jesus» repeated teaching on the «two ways» (e.g., Matthew 7:13 «14), especially his answer to the question whether only a few would be saved.
Even by Professor Sigmund's highly optimistic assessment, the number of Latin Americans involved in base communities would amount to about three or four million persons, or between one to two percent of the population of Latin America.
The survey, released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center, finds that most people in many predominantly Muslim nations remain optimistic that democracy can succeed in the Middle East, more than a year after the Arab Spring began sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa.
In the pre-modern ages human consciousness was dominated by a feeling of helplessness in the face of all natural and supernatural forces, causing people to acknowledge their absolute dependence on divine help, whereas the modem age has been marked by a high degree of human self - confidence and the belief that humans can at last master the forces of nature, justifying an optimistic hope for the human earthly future.
Second, the more optimistic one outlined by Peter Wielhouwer in the early 2000s, suggesting that more sophisticated targeting would also allow campaigns to identify more voters it makes sense to talk to and try to motivate, and thus expand the electorate as more people are turned out to vote.
Nick Clegg delivered an optimistic assessment of his party's chances in the next general election today, telling them the Eastleigh by - election proves people approve of their choices in government.
Out of the 14,555 people questioned by WIN, an international network of pollsters that includes the UK's ICM, British respondents were the least optimistic about the financial future.
«We are optimistic that our technique will increase the number of kidneys available by encouraging more people to donate.»
By the end, I was more optimistic, stronger, and overall a more positive person.
The collection was inspired by the spirit of the Boho girl we all love reminding people to feel optimistic and confident in all aspects of their lives.
By character I'm gentle and optimistic person, who tries to see only good things in life.
Optimistic, caring, down to earth and wanting to live a good life w / my children and surrounded by positive people.
People are attracted to up - beat and optimistic people, and so by embracing your positivity you are helping yourself get closer to finding thPeople are attracted to up - beat and optimistic people, and so by embracing your positivity you are helping yourself get closer to finding thpeople, and so by embracing your positivity you are helping yourself get closer to finding the one.
Most of us are optimistic by nature, and since it's normal to experience financial ups and downs in life, many people just ignore the problem and hope things get better down the road.
But for the few hopeful gamers out there praying for a glimmer of an optimistic world where people ride unicorns and Microsoft, Nintendo and Activision join hands together in weekly sing - alongs of «Kumbaya,» those dreams of online deathmatches in the Facility have been dashed by a pessimistic Rare.
This aspiration to progress and an optimistic, post-war idea of the future possibilities of science and space exploration was inherent in much of the research material surrounding Storm King Art Center's founding in 1960, but contrasted sharply with the post-apocalyptic predictions contained in the testimony people gave against the proposed excavation of the Storm King Mountain by Con Edison.
But, to try to be optimistic, maybe the right rhythm, played by the right person, in the right place and time, stands up on its own merits — and a celebration of that moment can become a radical reclamation of history.
On behalf of OCAD University, I offer deep condolences to the Baptiste / Boushie family and the people of Red Pheasant Reserve, and mourn the loss of a young man described by his mother as gentle and optimistic.
CNN just aired a new interview with that upbeat, optimistic centenarian James Lovelock, actually just 88, who says his usual stuff about it's too late to do anything about it, but adds that in his view, 500 million people will survive the Troubles, or what others have called «The Great Interruption» from 2050 to 3050, by taking refuge in the Arctic Basin, as well as in island nations such as the UK, New Zealand, Tasmania and a few «oases» in North and South America (maybe Colorado Rockies, Banff, Patagonia, Machu Pichu).
Judging by the life expectancy of optimistic people vs pessimistic people, it looks like the skeptics will be around long enough to see whether the world goes belly up or not.
I would like to think so and always remain optimistic, but that pertains to honest people and since here in the US significant developments like Climategate and fraudulent hockey stick graphs were largely ignored and with our Fed agencies being staffed and directed by the usual suspects, this or other significant developments will be ignored since they have their own agenda's.
Staffed by happy and optimistic young people, these tents are set up like a simple production line.
By contrast, people with high resilience have higher emotional awareness and are more optimistic.
Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer I'm the type of person who needs to be shown why it pays to be grateful, happy and optimistic.
Spend less time on negative and self - esteem damaging media sources and spend more time reading positive and constructive blogs and books, watching motivating movies, listening to inspirational songs, and listening to audio books and podcasts created by optimistic people.
The measures outlined in the Budget provide no reason to be optimistic about improved health and well - being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and especially those affected by cancer and other chronic conditions.
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