Sentences with phrase «or body language»

If your customer's words are inconsistent with his or her body language gestures, you would be wise to go with the body language gestures as a more accurate level of feedback.
A double bind generally includes different levels of abstraction in orders of messages, and these messages can be stated or implicit within the context of the situation, or conveyed by tone of voice or body language.
Work hard not to blame the other parent for the divorce with words or body language.
Or, we might share it, but in a confusing way by pairing it with another feeling (scared feelings expressed in an angry tone or body language, for example).
Negative communication patterns, such as inconsistencies with tone or body language and different communication styles, can even lead to conflict escalation in some cases.
Decrease emotional avoidance Communication is the foundation of every relationship, whether it's through spoken words, sign language, text messages or emails, or body language.
The way that you or your spouse presents a topic for discussion or the body language that accompanies this topic can lead to confusion or misunderstandings.
This may be because of the language used or your body language.
What actions or body language will make it clear how you feel?
So are hostile humor, name - calling, mimicking, and / or body language such as eye - rolling and sneering.
«Another quality that is important in medical assisting is being able to «hear» what is not being said through facial expressions or body language,» FitzPatrick says.
Avoid sarcasm or humor that could be misinterpreted; remember, this is over the phone, so the interviewer can't see your facial expressions or body language.
Though we can be liberal on the intangible aspects of recruiting, be it appearance, demeanor, attitude or body language.
When possible, deliver feedback in person so that you can see their reactions and adapt what you are saying according to their verbal responses or the body language you witness.
Since the interviewer can't see your facial expressions or body language, your voice is your only way to emote.
Be close by so you can watch and listen for negative reactions or body language, but let them play without your constant intervention.
You may be able to pick up on subtleties in someone's tone of voice, but you can not see non-verbal communications such as facial expressions, hand gestures, or body language.
When you know something is wrong with them by looking at their glassy eyes, or their body language, or knowing your own body for that matter.
Descriptions of character's expressions or body language as well as of the environment enrichen the story, and the various people you meet are written well.
Most of the time it's nonverbal eye - contact or body language and you would be surprised how many people are actually delighted to give their time for a photo.
In most cases, these dogs are trained to recognize subtle behavior or body language changes during seizure events.
If at any time they display agitated or aggressive signals or body language, you may need to increase the distance and try a slower approach.
He engaged without issuing ANY type of warning or body language — which surprised me and caught me off - balance (literally).
When your dog is running away from you, or even when his head his turned, he can not see your handsignals or body language (which are really easy for him to understand) and so, verbal commands are the only way to get him to respond.
My instructor says I'm not using the right tone of voice or body language but I don't know what she means.
When the dogs find someone alive under the rubble, their bark or body language lets their trainers know.
Year 7 students focus on building their public speaking skills through the four strands of the oracy framework: physical, linguistic, cognitive, and emotional — a range that helps them decide on tones of voice or body language that will help them effectively communicate their message.
Discuss how emails can foster misunderstandings because there is no tone, facial expression or body language in typed text.
Unlike traditional dating, with online dating, you can not really make out what the other person is all about by studying their behavior or body language.
The team also delves deep into dating strategies and flirting techniques, even setting the woman up on practice dates to see how she can improve her conversational style or body language.
When dating online, keep in mind that the other person can't see your facial expressions or your body language, and they can't hear your tone of voice.
If you want to find out what's really going on with someone of the opposite sex, read his or her body language.
It just feels weird without the face - to - face or body language.
Look for other signs of flirting, such as eye contact or body language, before acting on it.
Without tone or body language, it's easy for both sides to misinterpret the issue.
One of the main differences between a live online chat room session and a bar room is that singles are principally using words instead of eye contact or body language.
We can spot trustworthy people in real life, but online a lot of the signs such as facial expression or body language aren't there.
Law enforcement agencies are eager for the answer — particularly if Ekman can identify any expressions or body language that signal a forthcoming attack.
Her ability to understand feelings through words or body language is advancing.
Do we know anything about his presence or body language in big matches?
Skill in perception check is needed when asking about perceived incongruities between someone's words and his or her tone of voice or body language.
He or she is constantly trying test closes and will go into the final closing sequence anytime they sniff the sweet smell of success (such as when they hear the client start talking as if they already own the product or when the client relaxes his or her body language or even when they begin asking more questions).
The researchers asked study participants to determine from photographs if people were experiencing feelings such as loss, victory or pain from facial expressions or body language alone, or from both.
Movements, or body languages, can say a lot.

Not exact matches

Watch for cues like body language (are they leaning in or sitting back?)
Together, these body - language cues will help solidify an air of authority and reinforce how gestures can add to or impede our meaning.
Minson acknowledged that reactions to eye contact are completely situation - dependent; body language that might normally inspire trust and closeness in friendly situations can just as easily be associated with intimidation or bullying when two people are at odds.
«In four separate experiments, participants more accurately guessed the pictured emotion based on body language — alone or combined with facial expressions — than on facial context alone.»
I began to tune in to my body language and voice tone to avoid sounding monotone, or looking like a bump on a log.
While the words in the emails seem shockingly harsh, it's worth noting that the finer points of communications — tone of voice, body language or background on the histories of the people involved, for example — can't be conveyed through the written word.
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