Sentences with phrase «oral antihistamine»

An "oral antihistamine" is a type of medication that you take by mouth that helps to relieve symptoms caused by allergies. It works by blocking a substance called histamine in the body, which can cause symptoms like sneezing, itching, and a runny nose. Full definition
It actually remains a good idea to try allergenic food like peanuts or eggs to your baby once he is ready at home with oral antihistamine present just as a precaution.
«It may be easier to give oral antihistamines than intranasal steroids to children, and there's concern about possible growth suppression.
For itchy bites, apply an ice pack or an over-the-counter anti-itch cream, such as hydrocortisone, or take an over-the-counter oral antihistamine.
In the case that a reverse sneeze causes extreme exhaustion afterward, the veterinarian may prescribe oral antihistamines or low - dose corticosteroids.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine Hydrochloride) is the standard oral antihistamine that most parents use when their kids are itching.
The task force didn't find evidence of an improvement in results if oral antihistamines were added to treatment, and these drugs may cause sleepiness.
Believe it or not, when it comes to Rx solutions, nasal steroids — not oral antihistamines — are the best first line of defense against allergic rhinitis (also known as hay fever or seasonal allergies), according to the AAAAI.
Oral antihistamine pills can also reduce itching and may help you sleep.
You can also take an OTC oral antihistamine, such as Allegra or Benadryl.
Oral antihistamines for dogs are prescription based, but there are a few over-the-counter medications that can be used effectively for canines as well as humans.
Treatment for this type of skin problem involves elimination of the offending insect and treatment of the bite area with medication prescribed by your veterinarian (usually oral antihistamines or an anti-itch cream.)
Some can be managed with oral antihistamines and some dogs may benefit from having an Epi - Pen or similar device at hand.
Some over-the-counter oral antihistamines, such as Benadryl, are safe for dogs, but check with your vet for dosage recommendations, which will vary based on the size of your dog.
Your doctor may recommend an oral antihistamine to help lessen the itch and to cause drowsiness, which may be helpful for nighttime itching and discomfort.»
An oral antihistamine and a topical steroid cream, in addition to other over-the-counter anti-itch treatments, can be helpful for these types of rashes.
The latest version, updated in July 2010, provides easy - to - follow instructions on what to do if a student with food allergies develops symptoms, including whether to immediately inject epinephrine or to give only an oral antihistamine.
Your doctor may also recommend an oral antihistamine to help lessen the itch and to cause drowsiness, which may be helpful for nighttime itching and discomfort.
Then apply cold compresses and topical hydrocortisone cream, and give an oral antihistamine to reduce swelling.
«The guideline encourages physicians to make patients aware that taking two medications, e.g., using a combination of drugs, such as an oral antihistamine and INCS, is not always better than using a single drug such as an INCS.
For someone with allergies, this could include taking — or upping the dosage of — oral antihistamines and intranasal steroids, she says.
Oral antihistamines were thought to be useful for this group,» she said.
She said that for people who aren't helped by nasal steroids, oral antihistamines, nasal antihistamines and leukotriene receptor antagonists may lessen symptoms.
The new guidelines recommend nasal steroid sprays as the initial treatment for people aged 12 and older instead of an oral antihistamine such as Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin and Allegra.
In general, bites and stings «can be safely treated at home with topical medication, such as hydrocortisone cream or ointment, or an oral antihistamine to reduce the itch,» said Parsons.
• Add these on: Allergists often double up, prescribing oral antihistamines or combined oral antihistamine / decongestants in addition to nasal sprays, because they work in different ways.
Then take an oral antihistamine to halt the immune system reaction, says Tim Mainardi, MD, an allergist with New York - Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.
There are oral antihistamines as well as injections available!
Oral antihistamines are often used in conjunction with corticosteroids in the treatment of more severe allergies, and these drugs are generally safe and well - tolerated when used as directed.
• Shampoo or other topical therapy • Oral antibiotics or antifungals • Oral antihistamines or steroids to help with itching • Flea medications to rule out Flea Allergy Dermatitis as an underlying factor
If your pet's problem was a one - time thing, if it is relatively minor or if it is seasonal, perhaps that, along with some oral antihistamines, will take care of the problem.
Oral antihistamines and steroids, in combination with topical products, are used to control itch.
If your dog is in an endless circle of itching and scratching, your veterinarian will probably also prescribe a topical medication (for example l % hydrocortisone) or an oral antihistamine (chlopheniramine or diphenhydramine) for itch relief.
Speaking of antihistamines, you should try and find an oral antihistamine that helps her itching.
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