Sentences with phrase «oral expression»

These are two of the best ways to expand vocabulary and oral expression skills.
In the past, Japanese schools had emphasized grammar, reading, and writing, not oral expression, he told Education World.
Through read alouds, art projects and peer - to - peer discussions, young readers build fluency, delve into a book's theme, build oral expression and make connections between the text and their lives, as well as the world around them.
In The Heart of the Matter, a 2013 report sponsored by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a reader is confronted with language like this: «Among other benefits [studying the humanities] strengthens clarity of written and oral expression, critical and analytic reasoning, and the creativity to think outside the box.»
Current events discussions offer ample opportunity for skill building (e.g. vocabulary development, reading and writing informational and analytical text, oral expression, critical analysis — all part of the ELA Common Core Learning Standards).
build language, vocabulary, reading comprehension, critical thinking, problem solving, oral expression, and listening skills.
Do your students struggle with written or oral expression?
As educators, we realize that the quality of a child's education can not be measured solely by scores on standardized reading and math tests, which by their nature do not assess students» conceptual thinking, their ability to do research and to evaluate and defend ideas, their skill at written and oral expression, or their success in collaborative or teamwork settings.
Alternative curriculum - based measures (CBM) used for written expression, listening comprehension, and oral expression (must be entered on Infinite Campus).
The required characteristics are those that any good salesperson should possess: knowledge of the product line, an outgoing and friendly demeanor, and excellent interpersonal (e.g., instructing, social perceptiveness) and communication skills and abilities (e.g., active listening, oral expression).
Principles of grammar that reinforce proper written and oral expression are emphasized.
As for abilities, tube room cashiers must have speech recognition, oral expression, speech clarity, near vision and oral comprehension.
Abilities include oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral expression, speech recognition and near vision abilities.
The abilities required for the job are written comprehension, problem sensitivity, information ordering, near vision, oral comprehension, oral expression, deductive reasoning, far vision, number facility and written expression.
Here at DAIC, Liz provides comprehensive language therapy which includes boosting students» reading comprehension, word - retrieval, vocabulary skills, written and oral expression, and pragmatic language.
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