Sentences with phrase «oral hygiene as»

Operated the ultra-sonic post-operative instruction and oral hygiene as well as period charting
Researchers at the Indiana University School of Dentistry studied women and men who were asked to neglect their oral hygiene as part of the study.
We only need to go as far as watching television advertisements to discover research indicates that mouth washes are as fundamental to oral hygiene as tooth brushing.
In fact, pets are just as susceptible to the negative repercussions associated with poor oral hygiene as humans are.

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Marketed as enzymatic oral hygiene chews for cats, Virbac CET Oral Hygiene Chews feature a dual - enzyme system that prevents new plaque from forming while the abrasive action that comes from the chewy texture cleans existing plaque off your cat's teoral hygiene chews for cats, Virbac CET Oral Hygiene Chews feature a dual - enzyme system that prevents new plaque from forming while the abrasive action that comes from the chewy texture cleans existing plaque off your cat's teOral Hygiene Chews feature a dual - enzyme system that prevents new plaque from forming while the abrasive action that comes from the chewy texture cleans existing plaque off your cat's teeth.
Really focusing on their own oral hygiene is really important, because once babies are born, from that time to about the time of the eruption of the first tooth, which happens around 6 months of age for babies, some babies as early as 4 months, some as late as a year, they actually get colonized with strep mutans, which is a particular bacteria that causes cavities.
But as a child gets older, persistent oral mouthing / biting of toys and objects can create problems related to hygiene, safety, and appropriate social interactions.
Use mouth moisturizer with Sage Toothette swabs as part of your oral hygiene.
Thousands of deaths could be averted through a combined prevention and treatment strategy — interventions such as improved mother and child nutrition, optimal breastfeeding practices; Oral Rehydration Therapy [ORT]; new low - osmolarity formulations of ORS; incorporating rotavirus vaccines; zinc supplementation during diarrhoea episodes; immunizing all children against measles; appropriate drug therapy; increased access to safe clean water and sanitation facilities and improved personal and domestic hygiene, including keeping food and water clean and washing hands before touching food.
Once other foods (including formula) are introduced into the baby's diet, the risk of dental caries is the same as that of all children eating adult food and good oral hygiene and dental visits are important to avoid cavities.
You may find it helpful to get a music - enhanced toothbrush as it will likely engage your child in the oral hygiene process and make the process more seamless.
It is a difficult task for parents to get their kids to take care of their teeth and gums as kids often refuse to brush their teeth regularly and develop other oral hygiene habits.
«There is likely a biological underpinning to kissing, as it can often involve exchange of pheromones and saliva, and also pathogens — which might be particularly dangerous in societies without oral hygiene, where kissing may lead to spread of respiratory or other illness,» he said.
Transient bad breath is a very common temporary condition caused by such things as oral dryness, stress, hunger, eating certain foods such as garlic and onions, smoking, and poor oral hygiene.
But just like normal teeth, these dental implants require proper care and oral hygiene to prevent further complications, such as the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the implants.
As the function of the bacteria in the mouth becomes more understood, ancient techniques to support oral hygiene are becoming more popular.
Jihwa Prakshalana, or the Ayurvedic self - care ritual known as tongue scraping, is an an oral hygiene practice that removes...
It is also important to use oil pulling as part of a comprehensive oral health regimen and not to use it as a replacement for normal oral hygiene and teeth brushing.
Statistically, all of us could use an upgrade to our oral hygiene habits anyway, as over 90 % of adults have some form of gum disease!
As far as the bad breath I have not noticed it in any of my patients in ketosis and imagine it depends on your oral hygienAs far as the bad breath I have not noticed it in any of my patients in ketosis and imagine it depends on your oral hygienas the bad breath I have not noticed it in any of my patients in ketosis and imagine it depends on your oral hygiene.
Daily proper oral hygiene, healthy moderation in your lifestyle and diet choices, as well as professional regular cleanings with your hygienist / dentist are integral parts of our prevention methodology and our core philosophy as practicing professionals.
Because it contains a range of phenolics known for their antioxidant properties, common uses of Propolis include oral hygiene for fresh breath and healthy gums as well as immune support for stronger bodies.
Coconut oil's ability to improve oral health can lead to total health benefits, as poor oral hygiene can increase one's risk for cardiovascular disease.
Your dentist should be able to offer you tips and hints on how to properly flush your teeth, as well as advice on the best oral hygiene techniques.
Let your students color this picture as a reminder that brushing their teeth at least twice a day is a vital part of good oral hygiene.
This makes good oral hygiene extremely important in your dog's younger years, and especially as they get older.
If the animal will allow it, daily brushing is recommended, as the majority of dogs and cats which have not received any form of oral hygiene will contract gingivitis.
Good oral hygiene is just as important for dogs and cats as it is for humans.
OXYFRESH ORAL HYGIENE SOLUTION: Oxyfresh in the drinking water helps to improve the breath as well as detoxifying certain bacterial products that can interfere with healing of oral tissORAL HYGIENE SOLUTION: Oxyfresh in the drinking water helps to improve the breath as well as detoxifying certain bacterial products that can interfere with healing of oral tissoral tissues.
For oral hygiene, chew toys that double up as toothbrushes are a great pick.
Ignoring your pet's oral hygiene can lead to potentially life - threatening heart, liver, and kidney disease, as Dr. Bellows explains, «Oral disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem for pets, with most dogs and cats becoming affected by age 3.&raoral hygiene can lead to potentially life - threatening heart, liver, and kidney disease, as Dr. Bellows explains, «Oral disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem for pets, with most dogs and cats becoming affected by age 3.&raOral disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem for pets, with most dogs and cats becoming affected by age 3.»
Also consider a food designed to promote oral health as another way to keep up hygiene between cleanings.
Canine oral hygiene is just as important as taking care of our own teeth.
Cannon recommends giving your dog treats such as C.E.T Chews — known as enzymatic oral hygiene chews.
A program of oral hygiene and regular professional care can prevent problems that might occur as the result of plaque and tartar buildup.
In dogs, just as in people, having poor oral hygiene doesn't just mean tooth decay and bad breath.
Oral hygiene is just as important as other aspects of maintaining your dog's overall health and fitness.
Use C.E.T. VeggieDent daily as a first step toward oral hygiene or on those days when brushing isn't possible to keep breath fresh and teeth clean.
In addition to the usual suspects such as bad breath gingivitis, and periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene can lead to tonsillitis, pharyngitis (sore throat), kidney infections, and infections involving the heart valves.
A note of caution: If your dog prefers wet dog food, pay extra attention to her oral hygiene, as it tends to worsen without proper care on a wet food diet.
Just like chewing gum helps us humans exercise our jaws and keep our teeth clean (as long as we stick with sugar - free gum), chews give dogs» jaws a good workout and help with their oral hygiene.
«Good oral hygiene can help prevent diseases or secondary infections, such as liver, heart, kidney and joint disease from bacteria originating in the mouth and spreading through the body via the bloodstream.
While a national holiday such as Pet Dental Health Month is a good way to make all pet owners aware of the need for good oral hygiene for their pets, you might want to take Dr. Cathy's advice and make sure you are monitoring your pet's mouth, teeth and gums for any problems on a regular basis.
While the principles of good oral hygiene and dental health are the same for dogs and cats as for people, there are some significant differences.
«It is important that pet owners help maintain their dogs» optimal health with regular veterinary check - ups and oral hygiene products, such as dental chews that meet these criteria.
Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease and bad digestion as well.
Signal to your dog that oral hygiene is not entirely unpleasant by providing some pleasant chewables, such as rawhide and dental chew toys.
General bathing, oral hygiene, and nail clipping are necessary as is the case with all dogs.
Oral hygiene in cats and dogs is just as important for them as for their people.
We encourage all of our clients to participate in preventative oral hygiene programs such as brushing their pet's teeth daily, dental chews and other preventative procedures.
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