Sentences with phrase «oratory as»

Dropping the mic would necessitate cultivating the art of classical oratory as well as constructing sanctuaries designed to carry the human voice, just as the use of the microphone (I would suggest) has relegated homiletics to an afterthought for many seminarians and encouraged uninspired ecclesiastical architecture.

Not exact matches

When we say the residents of this upscale Westmount neighbourhood are blessed, we're not just talking about their $ 590,000 average annual household income; this leafy enclave is tucked into the hill directly behind Montreal's spectacular St. Joseph's Oratory, giving them easy access to the divine and a sweeping view of the city as well.
Presidential oratory provides much of the supporting evidence for McDougall's ideas about civil religion, from President William McKinley's implication that the United States had not so much conquered Cubans as it had ministered to them («Are we not made better for the effort and sacrifice, and are not those we serve lifted up and blessed?»)
But what was still more striking was that he had set aside a room as an oratory.
Belloc, who knew Cardinal Newman as a student at his Oratory school in Birmingham, always preferred Newman's great rival, Cardinal Manning.
In his renovation, a striking baldacchino of copper, brass, aluminum, and steel rods over the altar serves the same purpose as does the light shaft in the Grailville Oratory.
The African reality of a wholistic as opposed to a secular and a sacred life, the place of the black church as sole as well as «soul» refuge during slavery, and the gift of oratory made the preacher the symbolic head and heart of his people.
Oratory School's Geographical and Ecclesial Position Dear Father Editor, As the Chaplain to the Oratory School, I was both interested and delighted to read Fr Andrew Byrne's review of Paul Shrimpton's book The Catholic Eton.
He is so after the offering of the sacrifice, the making of the sacrament, as long as the Eucharist is kept in churches and oratories.
As superior of the Oratory, he would oversee Smethwick, Harborne, the new workhouse, the ragged school, the Oratory school, his writings, his help for the poor, and his daily community practices, which included waiting at table, hearing confessions, baptising and marrying.
The question is as old as the early church's concern over the use of pagan practices of oratory.
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
The African reality of a wholistic as opposed to a secular and a sacred life, the place of the black church as sole as well as «soul» refuge during slavery, and the gift of oratory made the...
And so, the next morning, as ice covered the trees outside, I walked to the little oratory down the hall, where Father John celebrated Mass for me.
His disciples became known as «Oratorians» (which means «men of prayer»), his first meetings were known simply as «the Oratory», and Philip himself was tireless in encouraging his friends to pray, and devising new ways to make this easier for them.
These new forms can not be identified simply as history, biography, oratory, or poetry, although these are elements in the writings.
We should strive for excellence in the celebration of the liturgy and in what surrounds it: excellence in our liturgicalmusic and well trained readers; beautiful and noble vestments and vessels; an oratory that is well kept and clearly identified as a place of worship, a place that is set apart and not a spare classroom.
But that kind of language works better in campaigns than in governance; eventually, you have to talk about things as they are, not just as you feel they should be, and so it was inevitable that the radiance of his oratory dimmed a little once he took office.
The prayers in this book are above all Christ - centred, often referring to Newman's deep love of the Blessed Sacrament and profound attachment to Our Lady, as wellas his devotion to other saints, not least his own spiritual father, St Philip Neri, founder of the Oratory.
In fact, there was a whole succession of prophets who, according to the account of Josephus, «behaving as if they were chosen by God, caused disturbances and revolutions and drove the people insane with their oratory, and enticed them into the desert, as if God might there announce to them the miracle of their deliverance.»
That leathery old haggis wouldn't have made it as my groupie even when she was 20, no matter how good her oratory skills are.»
In Italy, fur example, the Oratory of Divine Love came into being as early as 1497.
The speech seemed good, as good as present political oratory allows.
Much has been written about Cuomo as a public speaker vis - a-vis his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, was infamous for his soaring oratory.
As part of a project supported by The Leverhulme Trust he has developed the website and is working to promote the theory, analysis and improved practice of political speech, oratory and argument in the UK.
Indeed, most scholars have acknowledged that Romney's oratory may well turn out to be just that, as I explained fairly fully;
I am a big fan of good oratory and as a student in the early 1980s used to take girlfriends to see a Tony Benn speech for a good night out.
«We will fight on the beaches» probably wouldn't have sounded as good said in broken French, just as Arafat's oratory really comes alive when you see him speaking at the UN in 1974, in Arabic.
As well as being an incredibly charming man, his oratory in the chamber is already stuff of legenAs well as being an incredibly charming man, his oratory in the chamber is already stuff of legenas being an incredibly charming man, his oratory in the chamber is already stuff of legend.
His 12 years as governor produced many memorable moments and flights of oratory, but there were few tangible accomplishments when the dust settled.
Given that every SOS is monumentally boring and chock full of empty platitudes dressed up as «vision», and given the notorious Cuomo family penchant for soaring flights of oratory, I'll wait for the summary.
After delivering a speech participants acknowledged as in - depth and inspiring on his party's policies, the man whose oratory has been lauded by many who have critically listened to him, said the lavish structure is not disability friendly since no one ever believes that someone in a wheelchair will ever be President in Ghana.
But he added: «It reminded me of Tony Blair's speech taking us into the Iraq War and I'm always anxious about the greatest oratory is going to lead us to the greatest mistakes as well.»
Gov. Mario Cuomo was celebrated as a proud liberal Democrat, a devout Roman Catholic, and a formidable leader renowned for soaring oratory and a pragmatic political philosophy.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's DNC speech is a high - stakes appearance before a national audience, made riskier because some Democrats will expect oratory perfection as if it is a Cuomo birthright, remembering his father's star turn on the convention stage in 1984.
«Andrew Cuomo as governor has always been much more about getting the job done than the soaring oratory that will move a convention hall to tears.»
But as the comments rippled through New York's political class on Tuesday, some were taken aback at the mayor's ratcheting - up of oratory.
It is a high - stakes speech before a national audience, made riskier because some Dems will expect oratory perfection as if it is a Cuomo birthright.
Cuomo's speeches from that period — his 1984 Democratic Convention keynote, his Notre Dame lecture on abortion, his Harvard class - day address — were jewels of political oratory, as moving as they were erudite.
On Wednesday, George Osborne delivered his spending review to the Commons without bombast or superfluous oratory: he galloped through his inventory of measures as if it were a standard financial statement, a spot of robust housekeeping to keep the nation's books in order.
Erin is originally from South Dakota, where she reigned as the 2004 State Oratory Champion, and enjoys photographing her cats, grilling, fishing, and Mel Brooks.
In trade unions, as in politics, oratory plays an important role in the leadership pattern.
The legend thus combines features characteristic of traditional folk - literature with others derived ultimately from the Bible and the panegyric oratory of the later Roman Empire, as mediated by the pattern works of Christian hagiography, Athanasius» Life of Antony (before 373) and Sulpicius Severus» Life of Martin.
The game's narrator, with his flowery language and withered oratory, characterises each adventure into the eponymous Darkest Dungeon as a personal struggle between wilfulness and fear.
The four paintings here that make up a specific aspect of Jenkins» contemplative vision can not be called empty oratory; instead, their tenacious pursuit of the artist's vision should be read as a challenge to us all: to see with more than our actual eyes.»
Viewed in isolation, the exaggerated gestures and impassioned words of political oratory fall relatively flat and, as such, the audience is left to consider whether the mingling of both speech and gesture - and the bewitching effect they trigger - constitutes an indirect form of witchcraft as seen in the political speeches we come across on television.
Starting at The Oratory, which hosts works by several Biennial artists as part of the Ancient Greece episode, the tour will continue onto Derby Square for Lawrence Abu Hamdan's new public time piece, Sahej Rahal's «fossilised» sculpture at Exchange Flags, and Betty Woodman's large - scale fountain at George's Dock Ventilation Tower plaza.
The Oratory: Liverpool Biennial 2016 The Oratory Words by Patrick Kirk - Smith The Oratory, is probably best known as the little building outside the Anglican Cathedral, and second...
Maybe with the few great movers and shakers of today along with the one presidential candidate and his VP pick, both of whom provide models, again, of the power of education and literacy, of restoring peace and dialogue as the first order, we can restore not only the impeccable English written and oratory skills of yesterday, but also restore our sense of obligation for caring about our one, finite planet.
As on other matters, though, the gap between the president's oratory and his policy record spans miles.
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