Sentences with phrase «orbit around the planet»

Artist's interpretation of a hypothetical moon in orbit around a planet found in a tight - knit triple - star system.
Hours later, the mother ship fired its engines and entered orbit around the planet.
A team has now confirmed the detection of 11 new moons in orbit around the planet.
Stewart says the study should help NASA's Juno mission come up with better models of Jupiter's interior layers when the spacecraft goes into orbit around the planet in July 2016.
If conditions are favorable, the probe will shoot into orbit around the planet on Sept. 22, 2014.
The findings from Akatsuki, in an equatorial orbit, were expected to complement data coming from the European Space Agency's Venus Express, which has been in a polar orbit around the planet since April 2006.
They eliminated those with orbital radii less than one tenth that of Earth's, because at that distance moon systems might not remain in stable orbits around their planets on billion - year timescales. is a tricky and very addictive massively multiplayer browser based rocket game in which players attempt to maintain stable orbits around the planet Earth for as long as possible or take off and explore space.
His rocket could also serve as a garbage truck, getting dead satellites and discarded upper - rocket stages out of their dangerous orbits around our planet (a job the larger chemical - fueled rockets can't perform efficiently because they use too much fuel).
The probe's long, looping orbit around planet and moon would find out if the watery Europa might be capable of hosting life — assuming NASA can fund it.
Venus may have had a moon at one point, but it was probably lost as the moon's orbit around the planet accelerated.
The Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) instrument captured this infrared radiation during Venus Express's night - time orbits around the planet's southern hemisphere.
Furthermore, NASA is uncertain as to whether the cloud is a transient or a long term phenomenon, as it has existed in the Martian atmosphere since the probe gained orbit around the planet on September 21.
While a large impact on Uranus when it was still surrounded by a protoplanetary disk would have eventually produced moons in retrograde orbit around the planet, two or more smaller collisions had a much higher probability of generating the moons with the orbital direction observed today (Europlanet press release; and Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy Blog, Discover, October 7, 2011).
Her satellite made one full orbit around Planet Earth every sixteen hours.
To capture a planet you must hold down LT to use the CONQ weapon and they fly a single orbit around the planet while staying inside the white line.
Any Elephant would tell you that the best place to live in THIS solar system is in prefabricated, auto assembled infrastructure in specially designed orbits around the planet Mercury.
Woe be unto those who dare to doubt that the sun orbits around Planet Gore as pontiffs of doom have decreed.
The images, which show the cratered and pockmarked surface of the small icy world, were taken by the Cassini probe, which entered into orbit around the planet in 2004.
Juno carries no instrument capable of directly measuring such asymmetries, but they should manifest as subtle alterations in the spacecraft's motion as it moves through its 53 - day polar orbit around the planet.
In other spectral bands, especially at very short wavelengths, astronomers need telescopes aboard satellites in orbit around our planet, outside the obscuring layer of the atmosphere.
On Monday, the space probe conducted the first of its final five orbits around the planet, dipping into Saturn's atmosphere, according to NASA.
By that time, Kelly had completed 4,864 orbits around the planet.
The European Venus Express satellite is currently in orbit around the planet, but it can take only indirect measurements of conditions beneath the clouds.
People would see a magnet move a piece of metal, or a moon trapped in orbit around a planet, or a man in a restaurant levitate a saltshaker just by looking at it, and they would wonder how it was possible.
This sequence of images showing the storm's development «illustrates the value of being in orbit around a planet,» Porco says.
To be seen over such an expanse, the meteors must have been in orbit around our planet.
In response to the 1993 failure of the Mars Observer mission — a billion - dollar, decade - in - the - making probe that mysteriously lost contact with ground controllers just before it was scheduled to go into orbit around the planet — NASA administrator Daniel Goldin decided to shift to smaller, less expensive spacecraft and create a sustained exploration campaign by sending one or two probes to Mars at every launch opportunity.
But by establishing itself in orbit around the planet, Juno will be able to see beneath the churning clouds of Jupiter.
To save on the cost of hauling fuel to Mars, mission planners used a new technique — aerobraking — to finalize MGS in its orbit around the planet.
In its five years in space, the Landsat 8 Earth - observing satellite has racked up some impressive statistics: 26,500 orbits around the planet, 1.1 million «scenes» captured, a motherlode of images that represents 16 percent of all the observations in the 45 - year Landsat archive.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft will enter new territory in its final mission phase, the Grand Finale, as it prepares to embark on a set of ultra-close passes through Saturn's upper atmosphere with its final five orbits around the planet.
The spacecraft has recently entered its last year of operations, conducting more than 3,000 orbits around the planet, while transmitting more than 200,000 images back to Earth.
In Unstoppable Gorg you defend our solar system from the relentless march of a fearsome alien race by sending satellites into orbit around planets, moons and space stations.
You can enter into orbit around a planet and then use its gravity to slingshot you forward at breakneck speed or bounce from pulsar to pulsar like a cosmic pinball.
The sixth level, where the player faces a fleet of battleships in orbit around a planet, is an ideal example of this attack.
chart maps the flight path and orbit around every planet, moon, comet, and asteroid of the many instruments illustrated, including every orbiter, rover, flyby, and impactor that has successfully left Earth's gravitational field.
The Cosmic Exploration chart maps the flight path and orbit around every planet, moon, comet, and asteroid of the many instruments illustrated, including every orbiter, rover, flyby, and impactor that has successfully left Earth's gravitational field.
While it's nice to be able to go to space, or at least into orbit around the planet, or to send probes to other planets, it's done in a way that is also environmentally destructive and that is a shame.
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