Sentences with phrase «orchard grass»

While timothy hay has long been a staple for small herbivores, some companies also offer different types of grass hay, such as orchard grass hay.
Chinchillas require a high fiber diet and should be offered grass hay (such as Timothy hay or other low calcium hays such as orchard grass, oat hay, or meadow hay) free choice (available 24 hours a day).
Other types of grass hays include orchard grass, oat and brome.
They planted four paddocks with orchard grass and white clover.
We were the first to bring orchard grass hay into the market, and the same goes for oat hay and a couple other hay products.
Others kinds of acceptable hay to feed your rabbit includes orchard grass, oat hay, meadow hay or alfalfa.
Besides timothy hay, other varieties of grass hay such as orchard grass are now available.
Timothy hay is the most common type of grass hay sold commercially, but other types are available, such as oat, meadow and orchard grass hay.
Different types of hay like Timothy hay, orchard grass and oat grass will help keep them healthy.
Most adult rabbits should be fed unlimited quantities of grass hay (timothy, orchard grass or brome) rather than alfalfa, which contains higher levels of protein and calcium.
Grass hays include timothy, orchard grass, bermuda grass, and others.
Growing and Mature Animals: Unlimited amounts Oat Hay can be fed free choice to rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, prairie dogs and other herbivores as an alternative to timothy, orchard grass, and organic meadow hay.
Grass hays such as Timothy hay or orchard grass are the best for adult guinea pigs.
Healthy treats include rose hips, raisins, dried papaya, plain mini wheats, cheerios, loose hay (orchard grass, oat hay, blue grass), and dried cranberries.
My rabbits have thrived with ample Timothy hay or orchard grass.
The primary component of a mature rabbit's diet should be good - quality grass hay, such as timothy, brome, or orchard grass.
Buy pellets based on grass hays (timothy, orchard grass, brome, etc) NOT alfalfa hay (your veterinarian can advise you if an alfalfa based pellet is needed for situations in ill animals where weight gain may be needed).
Grass hay (timothy, orchard grass, meadow or oat hays for adults, timothy / alfalfa blends for those under 6 months of age) must be the bulk of the diet to maintain healthy teeth and gastrointestinal tracts.
In captivity, free choice access to hay (timothy, oat or orchard grass) helps keep their molars trimmed and the GI tract healthy.
The most common type of grass hay is timothy, but other types of grass hay include oat, brome and orchard grass.
Timothy is usually the hay of choice, but orchard grass, oat hay and meadow grass hay are also suitable for healthy adult bunnies.
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