Sentences with phrase «order arms»

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Citizens of the country have even developed a reputation for having their guns ready in the closet at a moment's notice, which has led some people to wonder if the Swiss are all required to own arms in order to protect their state.
I view them as coordinated, methodical and strategic, using their military and economic power to erode the free and open international order,» Harris told the House Armed Services Committee.
New Delhi frequently threatens to lean closer to Russia or the US in order to incentivize arms transfers from the other country.
Third, the company could «go private» with a private equity company such as Bain, Carlyle or KKR and «go off the market for two years» in order to integrate Overstock's blockchain work with the retail arm.
Keep your arms relaxed at your sides, showing you are open to what someone else is communicating, and as with your legs, keep your arms uncrossed in order to absorb more of what's going on.
Be prepared to lose the deduction or be armed with substantial proof of primary business intent and content in order to convince the auditor to allow it.
Meanwhile, Trump announced Tuesday that he plans to «get together in the not - too - distant future» with Putin in order to discuss the international arms race.
President Trump has already received blowback for his decision to ban immigrants from seven Muslim nations, and a potential executive order could have the tech community up in arms.
Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro sacked the head of PDVSA and handed over control to the military in order to keep the armed forces on his side.
The Small UAV Coalition, a drone coalition with members including Amazon, Intel (intc), and Verizon's (vz) venture capital arm, also opposed the court order.
In 2006, Amazon launched its Fulfillment by Amazon arm, which picks up, packs, and ships orders for third - party retailers.
If you're thinking about getting an ARM, there are some questions you'll need to answer in order to decide whether it's the right kind of loan for you.
It calls for «risk protection orders» to confiscate weapons from those deemed a threat and has a proposal to arm teachers.
In order to be eligible for the Army's Loan Repayment Program, the applicant is required to enlist in the Army with at least a high school diploma, score at least a 50 on the Armed Forces Qualification Test, hold a loan that is guaranteed under the Higher Education ACT, agree to serve in a critical military occupational specialty, have a written contract, and decline Montgomery GI Bill enrollment.
Once armed with these general orders, the NSA is empowered to compel telephone and internet companies to turn over to it the communications of any individual identified by the NSA.
Called or ordered to active duty status for more than 30 days as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces named in 10 U.S.C. 10101, or
The Florida Department of Children and Families released further details after a judge granted an order to unseal a confidential report into Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz's past that details him cutting his arms on... Read More
The Florida Department of Children and Families released further details after a judge granted an order to unseal a confidential report into Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz's past that details him cutting his arms on...
Before deciding on an ARM, read the fine print and make sure you are able to pay the highest potential interest rate, in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises down the road.
Earlier in the day, about two dozen teachers at Stoneman Douglas waved signs in front of the school and said they did not want to be armed with guns in order to keep students safe.
Thank you, President Donald Trump, for your suggestion that teachers should be trained to carry firearms in order to stop gun violence against our students («The absurdity of arming teachers,» Feb. 25).
Let's address the elephant in the room upfront: bid testing, contrary to popular belief, need not cost an arm, leg and business in order to be run properly.
Paris Hilton's Disco Apocalypse and Zombie Day Fashion Show «At the last supper, Jesus ordered the disciples to arm themselves.
At the last supper, Jesus ordered the disciples to arm themselves.
Scholars of the doctrine point out that, when appropriately used, armed combat aims to bring about a peaceful and just social order for both sides of the conflict.
What about the noble enterprise of Ankerwycke, the publishing arm of the American Bar Association, which in 2015 began reissuing Erle Stanley Gardner's Perry Mason novels in order?
We send our sons and daughters to suit up for armed services to defend the U. S. of A. or other defenseless countries from the influences and ravages of moral depravity (wickedness); or our civil authorities who, by God's design, arm themselves daily to keep order and peace, to avenge and bring retribution to wrongdoers (Rom.
As such, it was not simply a prohibition of foreign cults, but a call to arms, an assault upon the antique order of the heavens — a declaration of war upon the gods.
In «The Bright Sun Will Bring It to Light,» the morning sunlight clears up a long - forgotten murder, and the culprit is convicted, while «The Virgin Mary's Child» concludes with heavenly redemption, when «heaven opened up right then and there, and the Virgin Mary descended with the [penitent sinner's] two little sons at either side and the daughter in her arms» in order to save her from flames at the stake.
In order to reject the western influences of secularisation and modernisation it soon became politically active, and even organised a terrorist arm.
ODIN seeks the man who will arm his enemy in order to have a fair fight.
In the case of the government or military, the apostle sent with orders normally would be a part of an armed entourage.
Johnson's thesis is that much of American literature and thought about war in the 20th century is of limited relevance to the typical forms of contemporary armed conflict and the changing shape of the international order.
The FBI's Hostage Rescue Unit then intervened, armed with rules of engagement that read like «shoot to kill» orders.
Third, Aquinas» conception of just war places the resort to armed force squarely in the frame of the sovereign's responsibility for the good of the public order.
Christ crucified extends his arms toward both Jews and Gentiles; he died, St. Paul says, in order to reconcile the two peoples, and to break down the dividing barrier of enmity between them.
Our selfish isolationism, our refusal to participate in the effort to build a world order of peace and justice through the League of Nations, our aloofness from the World court, our scuttling of the London Economic Conference, our interference with the free flow of goods by high tariffs, our Oriental Exclusion Act, our arming of Japan for her war upon China, are a few of the counts in the indictment which the God and Father of all mankind must bring against us.
What, to get down to cases, does it teach us about the proportionate and discriminate use of armed force in the pursuit of the peace of order, justice, and freedom?
In order to carry out my mission to increase and multiply the lab animal population of the armed forces of the United States, I was placed under the direction of an eccentric old man (also named George), a civilian employee who....
These held the state at arms length, demanding freedom to order their own affairs.
When the six men were assembled to reach a decision, they were surrounded by fifty brave armed men who were ordered to watch the election committee.
In the meantime Husain had gone to Mecca; so Yazid sent an armed force there with secret orders either to capture or kill Husain; he also sent thirty men disguised as pilgrims to try to kill Husain secretly.
Once when the Prophet had been sitting on a tree stump and then abandoned it for a higher seat in order that the increased number of listeners might hear him better, all the audience heard the wailing complaint of the stump, a wailing which continued until the Prophet took the stump in his arms and consoled it as one would console a baby.
There's holding hands when we sing, but not much locking arms as we get marching orders for the mission.
Sometimes these are reminiscent of the tensions to be found in the relations of states and provinces to nation as a whole, sometimes to the more acerbic dissensions among the branches of the armed forces, all equally pledged to the defense of the country; sometimes they seem very similar to the tensions found among Roman Catholic religious orders; sometimes they seem like economic competition.
The Chinese Muslim's Association was founded in 1357 (A.D. 1938) at the start of the Sino - Japanese war when the Central Government ordered a Muslim general in the armed forces to form a nationwide organization which would unify the Muslims of China in support of the government and obtain support from Muslim countries.
The search today for some minimal order under law must go on in the threatening world of nations, some armed with nuclear weapons, and others preparing to be so armed.
Let me in order once again to take up arms against double - mindedness, make this illustration by borrowing a picture from worldly art.
But... extirpate these heresies, proceeding against them with order and system,... using, you your temporal arms and I the spiritual, and thus zealously punish them as is right... and show yourself the true and undoubted successor of Charlemagne amongst whose other greatest undertakings there still resounds the fame of the conquest he made of the Saxons...» Campeggio replied in this way before the Emperor at the session following that at which Melancthon's text had been read.
This he continued until his hands and arms had become almost tremulous with the strain, and then he devised something else: two leather gloves; and he caused a brazier to fit them all over with sharp - pointed brass tacks, and he used to put them on at night, in order that if he should try while asleep to throw off the hair undergarment, or relieve himself from the gnawings of the vile insects, the tacks might then stick into his body.
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