Sentences with phrase «order by date»

With paper, I can easily just put all the pages in order by date and then divide them by witness.
All documents on a case are organized into a document list ordered by date or code.
I'll likely order them by date and by issue, perhaps cross referencing according to various criteria — I haven't got that far yet.
Many people automatically create a chronological resume, in which they list their past jobs in order by date.
Releases are ordered by date added to Amazon (newest first).
AS MATHS Exam Papers and Marking Schemes 2007 - 2017 C2 Bundle bookmarked for easy navigation 736 pages ordered by date excess pages removed PDF format
Add books (open your Kindle Content folder, if there are multiple files, then order them by date, and choose the most recent book file.)
List of past Collection exhibitions sorted in descending order by date, most recent appears first
Press releases appear to the right, in chronological order by date of release.
Using print volumes as a stand in for other forms of information organization is useful for the purposes of discussion as they are easy to visualize, but much information we access in law is not easy to organize in series, as it is either not in a physical format that lends itself to being ordered and viewed sequentially, like caselaw which is generally ordered by date in print reporters, or it is not in physical form at all as most caselaw is published now.
«Collection» is a view of your most recent photos and screenshots, displayed in reverse order by date.
Releases are ordered by date added to Hulu (newest first).
Lastly, there's the question of chronological (jobs listed in order by date) or functional (jobs listed by relevance).
Set thresholds: if less than x number of copies are ordered by this date, it's $ 20 a volume shipped, y number, goes down to $ 17 dollars a copy, over z, $ 15.
This simply means that your most recent job is listed first, followed by each of your previous jobs in order by date.
The «Work History» or «Professional Experience» section on a resume typically lists past employment in order by date.
The chronological format lists your experience in order by date, and is the most common format people use.
Then go backward in order by dates.
This is a format that lists your experience in order by date, and it can help you to show the experience you have gained over time.
Your lawyer may want your help in reconstructing a chronology (a list in order by date) of the major events that led to your separation and, ultimately, the filing of the divorce.
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