Sentences with phrase «order draft»

Typically, the profit - driven insurance company has to order a draft payment from its home office.
I would like to test this in regard to the Forest 2006 paper, by running the IDL code with the errors corrected, in time to put on record in my «expert reviewer» comments on Chapter 10 of the Second Order Draft of IPCC AR5 WG1 report what the differences in Forest 2006's results resulting from correcting these errors are, if significant.
Later in 2005, the first order draft which was looked at by the TSU must now become available to external reviewers.
John McLean (an IT professional from Melbourne, Australia) has carried out an analysis of the Second Order Draft review comments for the Working Group 1 report.
Update, per a reader's email: First, from the 2nd order draft of the IPCC's AR5, and second, from a comment at Judith Curry's «Climate Etc.» blog:
See also Climategate correspondence in Sept 1999 discussing the First Order Draft graphic, which uses the same version as Briffa and Osborn 1999 (also deleting the inconvenient bits).
IPCC Third Assessment Report Zero - Order Draft Figure 2.3.3 a Comparison of millennial Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature reconstructions from different investigators (Briffa et al, 1998; Jones et al, 1998; Mann et al, 1998; 1999a)... All the series were filtered with a 40 year Gaussian filter.
You will note that the text above appears on a document on an IPCC website which carries the text: «Government and Expert Review of Second Order Draft Do Not Cite, Quote, or Distribute» which clearly meant (based on the guidance) that «they are not the results of the assessment and may not be cited, quoted, or distributed as such.»
The authors of the WG1 report must submit their first order drafts around middle November for inclusion in the First Order report that must be ready for expert review by Dec 16.
The Court of Appeal largely accepted a revised form of order drafted by the Respondent to address these concerns, adding that a clause must be included permitting the Appellant to appear at any court in the province, in a criminal proceeding, in response to any process requiring him to appear, without having to contact the sheriff's office first.
Generally, the party who is the non-employee spouse is responsible for having the QDRO or other retirement order drafted.
The Solution is Twofold - The court order drafted for the custody evaluation must be specific and include referral questions.
After the initial drafts of all of the chapters have been written, the various Lead Authors look at all of the chapters in the report as a single entity, called the «Zero Order Draft» (or ZOD).
In a recent thread on the blog that you host, Climate Audit, you quote text and a figure directly from the WGI AR5 First Order Draft.
In the First Order Draft of Oct 27, 1999, IPCC author Mann deleted the post-1960 portion of the Briffa reconstruction plus other things that I don't yet quite understand.
The Expert Review of the First Order Draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) will take place from 4 May until 29 June 2018.
A number of blogs were excited after having leaked the second - order draft of IPCC document, which they interpreted as a «game - changing admission of enhanced solar forcing».
By April 2006, the second order draft will be made available to even more external reviewers.
This is why the scientists in Hawaii were ablaze; they have to hurry up and publish their results by the time the first order draft is... drafted.
Now policymakers and actual Governments can make comments and / or recommendations, so that in June 2006, the fourth Lead Author meeting will evaluate the second order draft, revise it and initiate writing of the final draft to be submitted to TSU and again to Governments for concluding remarks.
In May 2005 the second Lead Author meeting will take place in China to consider comments on the zero order draft and initiate the first order draft writeup.
The Third Lead Author meeting will be held in December of 2005 in New Zealand and it will consider comments on the first order draft and initiate the writing of the second order draft.
As everyone has now realised, the second - order draft of the new IPCC report has become very widely available and many of the contributors to this site, commenters and readers will have seen copies.
Amid the manufactured spin and excitement of the unofficial release of the IPCC WG1 Second Order Draft, it is worth remembering that this happened last time too:
How many of you have access to the second order draft of AR5 WG1?
But the second order draft of the Technical Summary contained a nearly identical statement.
But, the process becomes even less impressive when we realise that more than 30 % of the Expert Reviewers commenting on the Second Order Draft were actually IPCC authors who had also registered as reviewers — 95 out of the 308 reviewers were IPCC authors.
Once these modifications are made, the draft chapters are compiled together into the «First Order Draft» (or 1OD) and this is sent for review by the Expert Reviewers.
AR5 Second Order Draft (SOD) Figures 1.4 and 1.5 showed the discrepancy between observations and projections from previous assessment reports.
Once they have done this, a second draft report («Second Order Draft» or 2OD) is compiled.
I believe that WG1 review comments (with names of reviewers), and the author responses, will be published when the full copy - edited report comes out in January, along with the First and Second Order Drafts of the chapters — this will enable people to see what the comments referred to, and how the authors addresses those comments.
According to McLean's report, a total of 308 reviewers commented on the Second Order Draft.
However, it turns out that two separate Expert Reviewers had actually spotted and pointed out the error during the Second Order Draft, but the chapter authors had done nothing to fix the error!
In the First and Second Order Drafts of the chapter, the authors seemed happy to leave the discussion at that.

Phrases with «order draft»

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