Sentences with phrase «order keep things running»

Not exact matches

In order to keep things running smoothly every company needs a group of individuals who keep its financial performance ticking along.
All of the children had chores that they were assigned in order to keep things organized and running smoothly.
But it got me thinking about how much we are now dependant on our computers to run our personal lives: our banking, paying bills, renewing providers of all sorts of services, ordering prescriptions, making appointments, keeping in contact with family and friends and that doesn't even touch on all the things we have to do within the workplace.
Much more easily digestible is DIVERGENT — a straightforward sci - fi action thriller starring Shailene Woodley in post apocalyptic Chicago where the human race is divided into five categories to keep things running smoothly — but she, Divergent, fits none of them and so threatens the order, which Kate Winslet is determined to preserve.
While the Prologue can reportedly hit 60 mph in 3.6 seconds and comes equipped with Audi's new all - wheel steering setup that can turn the rear wheels up to 5 degrees (coming to the next A8), the only thing I learned about the Prologue during my drive was how to keep it running under 30 mph — per the orders of my handlers and escort, with an assist from L.A. street traffic.
They also explained that systems weren't playing together, and rather than lose them they simply downgraded the graphics in order to keep things running nicely.
In order to keep things from not getting too repetitive (trust me, they do), players can collect Deadpool coins that litter the stage or earn them by slaying scores of enemies that run into your path.
The Wii U doesn't have the raw horsepower of the other systems of this generation, but a neat fact about Mario's cartoon - like style is that it doesn't need it in order to keep things running at a silky smooth frame rate at all times (except during split - screen play, but hey).
I am familiar with coordinating with housekeeping in order to keep things running smooth at all times.
Consider the organization, planning, and attention to detail required to keep family matters in order, including finances, children's activities, and the other million things that need to happen to run a household.
A chef is confident in the kitchen, and takes charge by delegating specific duties to his kitchen staff in order to keep things running smooth.
We know what needs to happen and in what order to keep things running smoothly.
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