Sentences with phrase «order of creation all»

Beleive in high order of creation.
LSome argue that since homosexual behavior is «unnatural» it is contrary to the order of creation.
So basic is Eros to the composition of the universe that Hesiod names him third in the order of creation:
However, Jesus has not placed on spouses a burden impossible to bear, or too heavy — heavier than the Law of Moses.108 By coming to restore the original order of creation disturbed by sin, he himself gives the strength and grace to live marriage in the new dimension of the Reign of God.
It is a depth of meaning, a qualitative richness, which marks the highest levels in the order of creation.
God created the tree in order for Satan to be defeated in a manner lower than the higher order of creation that Satan was created in.
Thus 1 Timothy 4:3 - 4 commends the right use of God's gifts in the order of creation.
19:8 as spoken by Jesus state that «for your hardness of heart» Moses allowed divorce, though it was not so in the order of creation.
The primary words of Jesus about the sacredness of marriage and the home are those which link it with the order of creation:
The order of creation of living things.
Within the order of creation it is an essential foundation of monogamous marriage.
First, similar to Barth's contention, Thielicke maintains, «The fundamental order of creation and the created determination of the two sexes make it appear justifiable to speak of homosexuality as a «perversion»....
[which] is in every case not in accord with the order of creation
And he seems confused about the order of creation of living things — compare Genesis 1 & 2 and notice the contradictions.
Morris, although trained as an engineer, states quite categorically: «It is only in the Bible that we can possibly obtain any information about the methods of creation, the order of creation, the duration of creation, or any of the other details of creation.»
We are unique in God's order of creation.
Is this destruction of the human ecology representative of the integrity of God's perfectly harmonized order of creation?
Yet, time aside, the order of the creation account in Genesis is exactly the same order that scientists put together the history of our world.
All this comes from the order of creation as God gave law to Adam not to Eve, and was Adam share God's order to his wife.
Christ restored the order of creation over the cross, and if marital love involves sacrifice, such is a deeper participation in Christ's life.
And while making the point about God's gifts to us, she sees the sacramental message that is written into creation itself: «Food is and always will be a sign built into the order of creation, physical nourishment that illuminates and spiritual nourishment we receive in Holy Communion... the more we see food in that light — the more we see it as a perpetual sign of God's goodness and love — the more fully we can understand the Eucharist as a holy and tremendous sacrifice in which love and gift, grace and life are bound up together.»
The death of the animals is loss enough, but it is not half so serious as the injury to personality that occurs in one who kills his own sense of reverence for life and his sense of kinship with living things below him in the order of creation.
The wise sought guidance in the natural order of creation itself, in the visible workings of a stable world.
Then you need to explain why your god was so incredibly scientifically ignorant that he screwed up the whole order of creation in his book.
One rather begins with the Creator and the order of creation («Nature and Nature's God»)- in the case of the Founders, the biblical God, even if for Jefferson and a few others attenuated by Enlightenment rationalism - from which understanding certain truths are established as self - evident.
Moses 3,400 years ago recorded the order of creation by kinds with accuracy not touched by any other Holy Book.
These worlds, traditionally referred to as the «order of creation» and the «order of redemption,» converge at the point of trying to be a Christian within the daily demands of the family, the job, the community around us, and the larger community of the state and the world of nations.
Ok, well, for starts if you are basing your argument off of the fossil layers, which you said counters the Biblical order of creation.
By establishing the family, marriage, in the order of creation, then serves Christ's purpose.
If ceaseless adaptation to novel possibilities is found in the order of creation, the meaning of creation will itself include a factor which in the highest degree is adaptable.
Meanwhile, in your stress on the Old Order of creation in Genesis 1:27, you seem to have overlooked that we as Christians no longer live under the old creation, but are a new creation in which there is no «male and female».
Not Plato is responsible for it but the human condition, its limits and nobility under the order of creation.
Within that doctrine, intelligently and coherently understood, is the actual answer to the problem of evil within the order of creation and within the actual order of our lives as a ministry one to another as God has constituted that universal relationship.
It means that Jesus elevates the relationship between a man and a woman in the order of creation, making it into a flesh and blood living symbol of His love for His Church, «a sign of a sacred thing.»
If the world is a world in dynamic movement, then God as its chief principle of explanation will himself be in dynamic movement; if ceaseless adaptation to novel possibilities is found in the order of creation, the meaning of creation will itself include a factor which in the highest degree is adaptable.
The lower point of the vertical line stands for God in his consequent aspect as the recipient of all that has occurred in the order of creation, hence as concrete and everlasting in that the factuality of the occasions in the process have entered into and helped to mould the divine experience in its capacity for infinite adjustment and relationship.
But Genesis chapter 2 gives a different order of creation: man, then the animals, and then woman.
The family, for example, belongs to the order of creation.
In fact it contradicts itself starting in THE VERY FIRST TWO CHAPTERS of Genesis when the order of creation is mixed up to having only 2 of the 4 Gospel writers bothering to talk about the birth of Jesus (and those two accounts conflict with each other while also providing timelines which make it IMPOSSIBLE for Jesus to have been born based on their accounts) to 3 of the 4 Gospel writers not agreeing on what the final words of Jesus were.
She witnesses the order of creation, working beside the Lord like a skilled laborer.
Since the State like the family is an «order of creation,» it owes its very existence to God.
The continuity between the order of creation and the order of redemption, rather than their distinction and difference, should be the focus of our interest.
Rather, the reason that women are not permitted to teach scriptures to men is, as Paul clearly states, because of GOD»S DESIGN IN THE «ORDER OF CREATION» as the «reason».
By naming the animals Adam shows his power over them and puts them in their place within the order of Creation.
It is pervaded by the sense of the order of the creation, with a definite physical, living, and moral structure which set the conditions of man's life.
The limits are defined by the order of creation.
And even worse, it does nothing to fix the mistakes your god made in the «order of creation».
But we must go farther and see that propriety of scale is invariably associated with propriety of another kind: an understanding and acceptance of the human place in the order of Creation — a proper humility....
It is against the principles of God's order of creation.
The order of creation is achieved when God is the vine and we are the branches, when God is the life - giving power and we are related to him in such a way that we expand and bloom, becoming full, free, whole, and real.
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