Sentences with phrase «order of interest rate»

Paying of your debt in order of interest rate is more efficient and will allow you to eliminate all your debt quicker.
You can put the extra money towards the highest - interest card first, and once that's paid off, focus on paying off the others in descending order of interest rate.
By ranking your debts in order of interest rates, you can figure out which ones would be most effective to pay off first as well.
The first thing you need to do is list your debts in descending order of their interest rates.
Using the debt avalanche method, you list your debts in order of interest rate with the highest interest rate first.
In the avalanche method, you first pay off the debt with the higher rate of interest and then pay off the debts in descending order of interest rates.
Rank it in order of interest rate and then balance.
As I mentioned earlier, I ran the math myself, comparing the «optimum» strategy (which means you repay your debts in order of interest rate, highest to lowest) to the «debt snowball» strategy (which means you repay your debts in order of balance, lowest to highest).
It starts by listing all your debts in order of the interest rate.
Furthermore, if you have more than one card balance, you should arrange the balances in the order of their interest rates.
This consists of applying the amount you have to overpay each month to each debt in descending order of interest rate.
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