Sentences with phrase «order of magnitude of»

Startup Orion Span has developed proprietary technology to drive a full order of magnitude of cost out of the design and manufacture of a space station.
The video begins by accepting that CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas and that increased atmospheric concentrations can cause some incremental warming, on the order of magnitude of 1C per doubling of concentrations.
We have a plan that is a two - part program and it says we should have a much, much more robust, research, development, demonstration program, really on the order of magnitude of $ 17 to $ 20 billion dollars over the next 18 or 19 years.
Knutson and Tuleya (2004) estimated the rough order of magnitude of the sensitivity of hurricanes to climate warming to be about 4 % per deg C SST warming for maximum intensities and about 12 % per deg C for near - storm (100 km radius) rainfall rates (see also Knutson and Tuleya (2008) abstract here).
The order of magnitude of the required mean winds in the atmosphere computed in the frame of a schematic model is 1 ms − 1, compatible with the observed values of the meridional mean circulation..
The regional correlation coefficients, their associated standard error estimates, number of successful tests, and the order of magnitude of the minimum local p - value are shown in Table 1.
The recalculation of 0.0163 K / year gives the increase of the power density due to the increase of CO2 in the order of magnitude of 0.1 W / m ^ 2 per year as compared to the total available average power density of 550 W / m ^ 2 (which includes the mean value of the irradiation from the Sun and the back radiation).
The change in effective radiative temperature is obtained by Stefan - Boltzmann law from the radiative forcing and it's telling the order of magnitude of related warming as well as the «no - feedback sensitivity» does.
For example it costs only like something in the order of magnitude of $ 100 per acre foot to convey raw water from the Colorado River to Southern California because the Colorado River Aqueduct bonds were retired long ago.
it's this just basically a taylor series to first order, we're not talking about deltaT of more than a few K on top of the order of magnitude of 300k we have as the baseline.
Then I began to realize that many people don't realize the order of magnitude of -LSB-...]
The adiabatic flame temperature is of the order of magnitude of 1000's of degrees.
For example, Spencer et al 2007 analysis of recent and precise climatologies suggests that the iris effect is not dead, after all, and the order of magnitude of the negative feedback -LRB--6 W / m2 TOA for warm tropical events) is interesting.
In terms of complexity (in both science and technology), there is more than one order of magnitude of difference between fusion and fission.
The idealised model from Myhrvold & Caldeira is looking a 1TW of deliverable electric which is «the order of magnitude of the global electrical output currently generated from coal.»
The order of magnitude of outperformance from contrarian strategies is up to 3 %.
«This amount is in the order of magnitude of the annual net uptake of carbon by the biosphere of the oceans,» notes Markus Reichstein.
The order of magnitude of what's being spent on AIDS vaccines is relatively small compared to what's being spent on AIDS overall.
«We tested each mechanism,» Tingay says, «and we show that the order of magnitude of the earthquake was too small to cause it.
They do not take up much space: Layers with a thickness in the order of magnitude of nanometers are enough to detect light — the detector is more than a thousand times thinner than the wavelength of the light which is being detected.
That is «within an order of magnitude of, and may have approached, the 9.5 petagrams [20.9 trillion pounds] per year associated with modern anthropogenic carbon emissions,» the researchers wrote.
Even at the current order of magnitude of price ($ 200 - $ 300), gas prices are costly.
Looks to me like Republican administrations over the last 55 years have been more fiscally irresponsible by an order of magnitude of almost 3!
They must go get the physical device, but that is a different order of magnitude of difficulty and that's much harder to do in an unnoticed and broad way.»
Men respond to increases in the unemployment rates by shifting away from (in order of magnitude of the shift) education, liberal arts and history, literature and language, psychology and sociology.
Neither model produces results even within an order of magnitude of a 20,000 job loss.
The company said it's «developed proprietary technology to drive a full order of magnitude of cost out of the design and manufacture of a space station.»
But Shostak thinks we already might have attracted somebody's attention: «The kind of equipment that we have today is within four orders of magnitude of being able to detect radars on nearby worlds, within a few tens of light - years.
The molecule is tested across a staggering five orders of magnitude of concentrations, all the way down to picomolar levels.
Many of these proposals seem to me very unlikely to be true based on intuitive feeling about the orders of magnitudes of the strengths of the mechanisms.
We have good, strong data and theory for cosmic and solar perturbations, and we know to fair confidence that they are not within orders of magnitude of the size of the influence of CO2.
Land mass and ocean mass surface thermal radiation are orders of magnitudes of more energy than the atmospheric thermal radiations.
This compounds to an order of magnitude growth in population since 1700, which further compounds to more than two orders of magnitude of atmospheric loading from byproducts of energy consumption when taking into account that per capita energy consumption increased by more than an order of magnitude over those three centuries.
It will be orders of magnitude of computing improvement, plus decades, likely, of further observations, before our most advanced GCMs will model adequately.
A simple BOE calculation shows several orders of magnitude of impossibility.
«We can get orders of magnitude of transactions per second if everyone isn't validating everything.»

Not exact matches

And then the other two orders of magnitude would come from refilling in orbit, propellant production on Mars, and choosing the right propellant.
By half of magnitude — I think audience mostly knows — but what that means is, each order of magnitude is a factor of 10.
So I think at least 100 people per trip is the right order of magnitude, and I think we may actually made up expanding the crew section and ultimately taking more like 200 more people per flight in order to reduce the cost per person.
It's showing a four - order - of - magnitude improvement.
Without refilling in orbit, you would have a half - order of magnitude impact, roughly, on the cost.
But with an airdrop, he added «almost 100 % of the source term -LSB-...] ends up on the land» — so a salted weapon blown up over a target would «be many, many orders of magnitude worse than the fallout produced by an underwater detonation» several miles from shore.
Every few months, it offers users new tools to mute racial slurs or report threats, but even though the company says it has stepped up its rules enforcement by an order of magnitude, users who report abuse typically hear there's nothing to be done about it.
Musk says that a giant balloon is «great for creating a giant object that retains its shape across all Mach regimes & drops ballistic coefficient by 2 orders of magnitude
And we are seeing an order of magnitude better performance [than current industry - standard products].
Or, put differently, in the absence of productivity growth, UK living standards would be an order of magnitude lower today, stuck at late - Victorian levels.»
It's so cheap to start Web start - ups that orders of magnitudes more will be started.»
The Surface is therefore too expensive in both categories, and in tablets it's by several orders of magnitude.
According to a number of media analysts, the Republican candidate received orders of magnitude more coverage from the very beginning of his campaign — before it was even clear how dominant his support was.
Among all those governments seeking economic guidance — he tallied up nine in a recent interview with Maclean's — he says Trudeau's is «the most implementation - oriented of any of them by an order of magnitude
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