Sentences with phrase «orderly world god»

And, in the fourth place, in the kind of orderly world God has established, every effect does have a cause.

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The real meaning of belief in destiny, however, is that one believes that God created an orderly world and one should act according to the nature of that world.
What it does is simply to shed new light upon the world created by God, and upon the orderly processes by which Cod works within his world.
The emphases in counseling on respect for the orderly cause - effect sequences in the world of the psyche and on the necessity of a person's growing in his responsibility for his own inner life can help to counteract any tendency in spiritual healing to function in ways which encourage magic or the temptation to shift the total responsibility to God.
None of these questions can be answered outside of a theological framework of Christian belief in a personal God who has made us for fellowship with himself and for obedience to his will, who cares for us as individuals, and within the channels of his orderly world gives heed to our petitions.
Orderly and dependable forces in God's world make possible man's security and mastery over nature — but never wholly, for accident and disease come in their wake and wait to be conquered.
But if the world is founded on reason, wisdom and science, and is filled with orderly beauty, then it must owe its origin and order to none other than the Word of God.
Thus, in an important essay, he argues that «freedom requires indeterminism and universal causality «56 He freely admits that there is an element of regularity and order in nature which may be partially described in the statistical laws of science; but he also confesses his inability to give a rational explanation (other than the immanence of God) of why, in a world of freedom, we have an orderly cosmos instead of sheer chaos.57
Nor is it possible to say whether the foundation of the science of later centuries, based as it has been on the conviction that the universe is orderly, is from the Christian belief in the creation and governance of the world by God and from the discipline given the European mind by the debates in theology and the associated philosophy.
Just as his belief in beautiful, orderly scientific theories mirrored a child's view of the world, so his belief in God as the ultimate manifestation of that order expressed an idealistic notion that God is so much greater than humankind that He can not be found in any one faith.
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