Sentences with phrase «ordinary acts»

Sometimes the most ordinary acts add the most meaning and inspire the greatest smiles of all.
Most ordinary acts of theft or shoplifting are deliberate, but some people who steal may have kleptomania.
Kim explains,» Sometimes ordinary acts of everyday life can acquire a different meaning through a new perception or relationship.
«37 Thus, whether the specialness of an event is due only to an interpreter of the event, or whether it is due to both a person who is speaking and acting and to someone receiving this as a special act, it is man who turns an ordinary act of God into a special one.
And Ford cites a passage in which Hartshorne calls God's selection of the laws of nature which characterize the universe «a «lure,» an irresistable datum, for all ordinary acts of synthesis» (TPP 77, citing WEP 21).12
«The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.»
«The ordinary acts we practice every dayat home are of more importance to the soulthan their simplicity might suggest.»
Thus, 9/11 was an ordinary act of Islamic life of faith.
Broodingly intelligent, heavily medicated and possibly schizophrenic, Donnie is no ordinary troubled teen, and his is no ordinary act of protest.
Through various references to literature and narration, Fly Paper also probes the ways in which the literary imagination parallels that of film and how the ordinary act of storytelling shapes larger histories and enduring myths.
Making architecture the basis for a choreographic score, it featured a dancer poised perpendicular to the ground, promenading down the façade of a seven - story building: an ordinary act became a daring feat of athleticism and physical memory.
In a note pinned to a mirror, Coppola wrote, «I realize that I want to aestheticize all kinds of ordinary acts... elevate them to consciousness, therefore art...»
Instead of addressing the root causes of pedestrian deaths, our institutions have criminalized the ordinary act of walking, exposing the most vulnerable members of society to the punitive effects of biased law enforcement.
As its name implies and as the law officers advised ECA 1972 is an ordinary Act of Parliament, no more and no less.
Of course, they could abolish the federal death penalty with an ordinary act of legislation, and the President could pardon or commute the sentences of all federal prisoners on death row.
It is a proposition too plain to be contested that the Constitution controls any legislative act repugnant to it, or that the Legislature may alter the Constitution by an ordinary act.
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