Sentences with phrase «ordinary course of one's business»

You can deduct this if: The car or motorcycle is necessary in the ordinary course of your business.
You can deduct this if: A pet is necessary in the ordinary course of your business.
Mylan spokeswoman Nina Devlin said in an emailed statement that the tax credits are available to any interested company, and often «made outside of a company's ordinary course of business, and companies involved in such projects range across a variety of non-energy related sectors.»
Legal - From time to time, the Company may become subject to legal proceedings, claims, and litigation arising in the ordinary course of business.
In response to dbHK, Peter Dixon, TWE's managing director of Asia, Middle East, Africa and Global Travel Retail, commented: «We're confident we can manage the impact of any geo - political issues of this nature in the ordinary course of business.
«Treasury Wine Estates is confident it can manage the impact of any geo - political issues of this nature in the ordinary course of business,» a spokeswoman said on Thursday.
Brent Fisse, «Private disclosure of price - related information to a competitor «in the ordinary course of business: A new slippery dip in the political playground of Australian competition law (working paper)
Working paper: Brent Fisse, «Private disclosure of price - related information to a competitor «in the ordinary course of business»
Another has not been so enthusiastic about that in communicating intentions in regard to greenfield sites, to be purchased or leased, claiming that such an acquisition is undertaken in «the ordinary course of business» and therefore would be exempt from the creeping acquisitions provisions.
Brent Fisse and Caron Beaton - Wells, «Private disclosures of price - related information to a competitor «in the ordinary course of business»: A new slippery dip in the political playground of Australian Competition Law» (2011) 39 Australian Business Law Review 367 - 379
(1) Current and valid photo identification provided by a third party in the ordinary course of business that includes the name and photograph of the individual presenting it.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who pushed for member items this year, said he could live without them — as long as lawmakers have real input into state spending and «needs in their districts [are] funded in the ordinary course of business
The White House invited the congressional intelligence committees to review secret surveillance materials it said that National Security Council staff had found in the «ordinary course of business
Under case law, Freeman said, documents produced in the ordinary course of business generally do not fall under the exemption cited by the Cuomo administration.
Often, it takes far less time, but a carrier is permitted time not only to investigate the claim if necessary, but also to issue payment in the normal and ordinary course of their business.
The debtor shall obtain court approval to obtain secured credit and unsecured credit outside the ordinary course of business.
It is not an asset intended for sale in the ordinary course of business, such as an inventory item.
When a transaction is expensed (deducted), it means it was used to earn business income (in this case rental income) and is in the ordinary course of business.
However, what Third Avenue is doing in Toyoda Common may really be «pre-pre-deal» investing since, aside from a modest common stock buy - back program, there seem to be no indications that Toyoda management contemplates having the company undertake any activities outside of the ordinary course of business for the foreseeable future.
You may make a profit from the subdivision and sale of land that occurs in the ordinary course of your business or involves a commercial transaction or business operation entered into with the purpose of making a profit.
In the ordinary course of business, RBC may act as a market maker and broker in the publicly traded securities of the Company and / or Offeror and receive customary compensation, and may also actively trade securities of the Company and / or Offeror for our own account and the accounts of our customers, and, accordingly, RBC and its affiliates, may hold a long or short position in such securities.
Most lenders are of course banks, and it is not their ordinary course of business to make a profit on real estate.
But, CGSB's own performance showed that those phrases can not fulfill their intended purpose as to guaranteeing the reliability of its records and records management in relation to its part in the creation of a national standard that should be used to dictate the principles and practices as to what should be an organization's «usual and ordinary course of business,» as to its ERMSs «operating properly,» in relation to its records management and control.
(8) for the defects of the phrase, «the usual and ordinary course of business,» as used in the business record, and electronic record provisions (e.g., ss.
Such common defects of records management and software should cause the phrase, «the usual and ordinary course of business,» (as used in subsections.
Ironically, satisfying the phrases, (1) «the usual and ordinary course of business,» and, (2) «the electronic document system was operating properly,» as used in ss.
In addition to transactional support, Outside GC helps Prelert manage a range of legal issues arising in the ordinary course of business.
A document is just as much somebody else's knowledge, and just as much made in the ordinary course of business, whether it is on paper or in electronic form.
The main «exception'to the ban on hearsay in this area is the business records rule: records kept in the ordinary course of business are considered sufficiently trustworthy to be admitted even for the truth of their contents.
In the case where lending is part of the ordinary course of business of the relevant company, or it is provided in accordance with an employee benefit scheme, or by means of a loan to employees for purchase of company shares, the statutory prohibition is disapplied.
The hosting provider could indeed argue that disabling encryption of your SMTP to protect their network does fall under the category of «being used... in the ordinary course of its business».
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