Sentences with phrase «ordinary existence»

This austerity isn't meant to capture the rhythms of ordinary existence, but rather to present a heightened, filtered, clarified picture of what that existence might mean.
As much as we want to be like Peter, it's often incredibly tempting in the midst of our mundane and rather ordinary existence to be like Paul.
Even before the axial period, archaic or primal religions already had an at least embryonic sense of a sacral dimension that could interrupt life and bestow on it a wider significance than that given in ordinary existence.
Interestingly, the insights they share about making the most of each moment are also very applicable to those of us who lead ordinary existences.
Quiet, mousy young Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara) leads a drab, seemingly ordinary existence, holding down a temporary job in the doll section at a Manhattan department store.
The clown not only stands outside and over against the sphere of ordinary existence; he revalues it and refreshes it by standing at the same time most deeply within it.
For Auden, our ordinary existence is lived out in a post-Christmas world where «The Christmas Feast is already becoming a memory....
Limit - experiences are those happenings in our lives that shock us into a recognition that our ordinary existence is encompassed by a previously unacknowledged realm of the unknown.
I'm trying to teach myself to let expectations die; to have gratitude for and then release all things; to allow my ordinary existence and actions to be enough.
But many testify to the reality of the presence and power of eternal life in the midst of ordinary existence.
When in the Nicomachean Ethics he says of the virtuous man that «he would prefer an hour of rapture to a long period of mild enjoyment, a year of beautiful life to many years of ordinary existence, one great and glorious exploit to many small successes,» he surely had in mind Achilles, who lived and died by this precept.
A woman's retreat is about stepping out of your ordinary existence to listen and to attune your truest most authentic self.»
If anything, McDowell is as intrigued with the metaphysics of what might be possible as he is with the realities of ordinary existence.
The extraordinary and thrilling true story of four friends (Evan Peters, Barry Keoghan, Blake Jenner, and Jared Abrahamson) living an ordinary existence who brazenly attempt to execute one of the most audacious art heists in US history.
Leigh and his typically brilliant cast create, with extraordinary sensitivity and craft, a vivid, lived - in story of ordinary existence, in which even modest dreams — such as the father's desire to open a food truck — carry enormous weight.
For his act of disobedience, Thor is deprived of his godly strength and banished from the realm of Asgard; forced to live an ordinary existence amongst humans on Earth.
In the extraordinary and thrilling true story, the 31 - year - old American Horror Story actor plays one of four friends living an ordinary existence who brazenly attempt to execute one of the most audacious art heists in U.S. history.
Content with an ordinary existence, McCall resurrects his special skill set after Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), an indentured young prostitute he's befriended, suffers a serious beating at the hands of her pimp.
«Throughout his career [Rivers] has been drawn alternatively, and impartially, to the most casual aspects of ordinary existence and to the sacrosanct icons of the modern and old masters, to whose work, more often than not, he has given an irreverent and vernacular twist.
Fictional and autobiographical, her photographs find the captivating in the mundane and the aesthetically stunning at the heart of normality, giving life and imagination to ordinary existence.
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