Sentences with phrase «ordinary form»

One of the key reasons Hudson believes the time is ripe for a reusable rocket is the availability of extremely light, extremely rigid materials loosely termed composites, which means combinations of different materials, in this case not ordinary forms of foam and plastic.
Whatever the process of mutual enrichment between the Extraordinary and Ordinary Forms of Mass (as desired by Pope Benedict) will hold for the future, the present position of young Catholics is that they are going to keep or lose the faith through what they experience in the Mass celebrated at their parish and at their school.
Even those who are interested in the ordinary form are getting fed up with the kinds of things that are going on in the Church.
Restoring ad orientem posture to the ordinary form of the Mass would go a long way to putting God back at the center, and help shape Catholic culture and Catholic witness and service thereby.
Under the avalanche of commentary on the new translation of the Ordinary Form of the Mass, just approved by the Vatican, I poke my head above the erudite criticisms, to speak as a man whose entire priesthood has been in parishes....
Burnham takes seriously the possibility of how one Form of the Mass, the Ordinary Form or the Extraordinary Form, may influence theother.
It tackles the important question of how we should care for people who are gravely handicapped or ill, including those who are in a deep coma and apparently unresponsive to any ordinary form of stimulus.
Paradoxically, since Summorum Pontificum, it is easier to obtain high quality pdfs of the texts and music for the extraordinary form of the Mass and the Divine Office than for the ordinary form in English.
At the Newman Centre on campus at the University of Nebraska we are blessed to have a chanted Latin Mass (Ordinary Form) celebrated once a month.
laity who truly love the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Before bidding peace to the congregation during the Communion rite at Mass celebrated according to the Roman Rite's Ordinary Form, the priest prays:
This Mass was begun five years ago at the initiative of a young priest returning from studies in Rome, who noted with no small amount of irony that it seems the only Mass one can not find anywhere is the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite as it is envisioned by the current Missale Romanum.
While the Mass was offered in the Ordinary Form, we prayed the Gradual from the Missa pro Sponso et Sponsa for the fruitfulness of our marriage, beseeching that the Lord might bless us with children.
It is not just the Ordinary Form that can be abused in this way).
Seven years ago this week, Pope Benedict XVI promulgated the apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum, liberalizing use of the 1962 missal and affirming the continuity between it and the ordinary form of Mass..
By confronting both the forms stemming from art history and ordinary forms, Gabriel Kuri thus offers us a broader conception of sculpture, in which the objects from everyday life fully participate in the aesthetic experience.
Certainly, there is often some paperwork that is simply best drafted by a lawyer (this includes highly specialized Orders that transfer certain retirement benefits from one spouse to the other, for example), but most parties are able to complete the ordinary forms required in the divorce process.
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