Sentences with phrase «ordinary kind»

The question thus arises as to whether any of their conclusions are valid with respect to the analysis of more ordinary kinds of religious discourse.
And I entered their house and I saw that it was very tastefully decorated and that there was no evidence on the lower floors, at least the main floor, that there was any kind of connection with mathematics or science; the [re] were just ordinary kinds of pictures, but very, very tasteful.
The videotape at first seemed like a random sample of a very ordinary kind of conversation that most couples tend to have: no scenes, no violence, and no breakdowns.
Moreover the theologian is not interested in the detailed structures of ordinary kinds of experience as such, but rather in their relation to the events and experiences which for him have special religious significance.
Yes, but the ordinary kind.
These biblical stories, while not being accounts of actual incidents, nevertheless have a connection with actuality which stories of the ordinary kind do not need to have, Thus the creation story is true only if God is in fact the Creator of the heavens and the earth and of man in his image, and the story of the fall is true only if man is in fact alienated from God and thus actually falling short of the glory of his own true nature and destiny.
«It is superior in flavor to, and cheaper than any similar preparation; one bottle being equal to a dozen of the ordinary kind.
The ordinary kind of jiggling, patting, and tickling that a loving parent does when interacting with a baby doesn't cause shaken baby syndrome.
And although some mothers only present with mild to moderate symptoms, most mothers who experience it characterize it as much more than just any ordinary kind of itching.
The most unusual aspect of the blood studies was the extremely high white cell count, which was approximately twice what might be expected in the ordinary kind of infection.
3 Collapse of the vacuum In the book Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut popularized the idea of «ice - nine,» a form of water that is far more stable than the ordinary kind, so it is solid at room temperature.
The flexible concrete is three times more expensive than the ordinary kind, but Li says the cost should be offset by fewer repair bills and a longer life span.
Whereas dark matter may not mix much with the ordinary kind, it may tango with other dark matter particles via some new force — one outside the purview of the Standard Model of particle physics.
The farmer's market in Vancouver has «sugar pumpkins» as well as the ordinary kind.
I find it hard to describe myself simply I am just a ordinary kind of guy nothing like what I look like.
There's certainlyevidence that going to top - rated colleges does you more good in life than going to the ordinary kind (in terms of job prospects, grad school admissions, earnings, etc.).
It's possible to turn off the adaptive cruise control in favour of the ordinary kind, which is a bonus in my books (I don't care for the automatic type, although Infiniti's is relatively smooth).
He's led an ordinary kind of life — not much by way of adventures, but some silly things.
You might say we specialize in «plain vanilla» stocks, bonds, ETFs — the ordinary kind, in other words, without lots of added features and fees.
You might say we specialize in «plain vanilla» stocks, bonds and mutual funds — the ordinary kind, in other words, without any special features.
In the ordinary kind of theft, Ralph takes what belongs to Dan.
As everyone probably knows already, the stars here are, well, worms, but they're not the ordinary kind.
He considered that native title, which is not of the same origin or character as other property interests is «more than an interest of an ordinary kind»: [74]
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