Sentences with phrase «ordinary magisterium»

For example, in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis he seems to express a further aspect of the role of the Pope: the Pope by his own authority not only teaches the Faith as the head of the College of Bishops but is also able to discern clearly what teachings are indeed infallibly taught by the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church.
I firmly embrace and retain each and every thing which has been proposed by the church regarding the teaching of faith and morals, whether defined by solemn judgment or asserted and declared by the ordinary magisterium, especially those things which concern the mystery of the holy church of Christ and its sacraments and the sacrifice of the Mass and the primacy of the Roman pontiff.
Besides the infallibility attached to the Pope's pronouncements taught with the fullness of his supreme authority (the «extraordinary magisterium»), the «ordinary magisterium» can also be a source of infallible teaching, when it concerns de fide doctrine (concerning faith and morals), when it is marked by unity and unanimity, and when it is proposed to be definitive and absolute teaching.
First, Amoris Laetitia is a binding document of the ordinary magisterium.
To fail to draw appropriate distinctions — whether between binding and non-binding documents of the ordinary magisterium, or between the development and the evolution of doctrine — is to dim the light of the Petrine ministry and impoverish the faithful.
Some teachings of the ordinary magisterium can be fallible, and do not command interior assent of mind and will, if such teachings are clearly contrary to reason, or to the natural law, or to the divine positive law.
Not every teaching of the ordinary magisterium, however, fulfills these criteria.
Whenever the Council teaches something about faith and morals, what it teaches is certainly true, either through the specific note of infallibility or from the religious submission of mind and will owed to the ordinary Magisterium.
The main body of doctrine, particularly of moral doctrine, has been proposed infallibly by the Ordinary Magisterium but never defined.
Of course, holding frequent councils might weaken the faithful's religious assent to the pope and the ordinary magisterium.
Yves Congar, O.P., has noted that the ordinary magisterium reached a kind of high watermark of one - sidedness in the pontificate of Pius XII.
Finally, it must be observed that it is not easy and simple in every case to indicate whether some particular teaching of the ordinary magisterium is already a dogma or merely authentic but in itself reformable teaching.
Instead in our day we have seen a great affirmation of the value of Scotus» teaching by the ordinary magisterium of the Church.
And this we hold as the teaching of the ordinary magisterium.

Not exact matches

It is due to this profoundly personal sacramental meaning of the body that we find a consistent teaching about homosexuality in the Bible (Gn 3 and 19:1 - 11; Lev 18:22 and 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9; Rm 1:18 - 32; 1 Tim 1) and throughout the tradition, wherein this teaching would be infallibly taught by the ordinary universal episcopal magisterium.
Neuhaus does not recognize that Origenism, which entails a super «salvation not tied to doing God's will in this life, can not be squared with the Church's ordinary and universal Magisterium.
In the words of the First Vatican Council's Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith, the «divine deposit» includes «all those things are to be believed by divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the Word of God as founding Scripture or Tradition, and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as divinely revealed, whether by her solemn judgment or in her ordinary and universal magisterium
«It seems to me that there is a persuasive case for believing that the doctrine of Humanae Vitae, regardless of the pastoral difficulty it causes, regardless of the philosophical and theological arguments thrown against it, regardless of the historical conditioning of its neo-scholastic framework, has been, and is being taught infallibly, that is, irreversibly and without error, by the Church's ordinary universal magisterium
Generis of Pius XII and by Arcanum of Pope Leo XIII, as well as by the Ordinary Infallible Magisterium since the Church began.
written or handed down in tradition and proposed by the church — whether in solemn judgment or in the ordinary and universal magisterium as divinely revealed and calling for faith tamquam divinitus revelata credenda).
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