Sentences with phrase «ordinary numbers»

This GCSE activity gets pupils to use standard form (multiplying, dividing, converting from ordinary numbers) to find the mass and distance from th...
In other words, the coordinates in those peculiar spaces are not ordinary numbers, as they are for the space in which we live, but complex numbers, which are numbers that contain the square root of minus one.
Whereas ordinary numbers (and even complex numbers) have the common - sense property that a — b = b — a, Grassmann numbers have the bizarre property that a — b = - b — a.
The 2D Mandelbrot set is a set of points in the complex plane, a mathematical space where ordinary numbers run from «east» to «west» and «imaginary» numbers, based on the square root of -1, run from «south» to «north».
A worksheet which requires pupils to convert between ordinary numbers and standard form (in real life situation).
Supersymmetries involve so - called Grassmann numbers, which are utterly different from the ordinary numbers we use to count and measure things.
In fact, it can generally be a complex number with both a «real» part that's an ordinary number and an «imaginary» part that's multiplied by the square root of one.
All auto insurance companies will have complaints, but an out of the ordinary number of complaints might be a reason not to buy a policy.
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