Sentences with phrase «ordinary perception»

In ordinary perception these two pure modes are connected through symbolic reference where the experienced influence of a past occasion is referred to a particular vivid sense in the immediately presented duration.
We will begin by looking at the early history of photography, emphasizing genres such as spirit photography and motion studies, which allowed viewers to see beyond ordinary perception.
But of course there is nothing to say this is not the case with ordinary perception.
Expanding upon the artist's practice of hand - crafting everyday items from fiber and displaying them to initially deceive and then reward ordinary perception, Trombly's Paintings invite close attention to the minutiae of their own making.
During the final decades of his life, Burchfield felt that he was moving away from ordinary perception into something deeper, more personal.
Whitehead in his empirical theory of knowledge has two pure modes of perception, causal efficacy and presentational immediacy, which in ordinary perception are combined in the mixed mode of symbolic reference.
He uses a variety of familiar materials — drywall, glass, tape, florescent bulbs, dirt, spiderwebs — to focus on that which is just beyond ordinary perception.
Rather, Grey invites us to transform our ordinary perception of nature so that we might see God's spirit of life coursing through it.
This biblical inversion of our ordinary perceptions and expectations, shaped as they are by the world's priorities, cures our astigmatism.
And the flame truly sprang upwards at the place and time prescribed, energy did indeed burst forth from what, to ordinary perception, was inert, non-inflammable matter.
In our ordinary perception of events we take into account only those aspects with high grades of relevance, but as our attention deepens the lower grades come into notice, and in attending to these lower grades we discover the endless patterns of relationships that bind that event to the rest of the universe.
Each image has what Susan calls a «twist of darkness» that challenges the ordinary perception of family happiness.»
But he cautions that the results «may say more about virtual reality than they do about our ordinary perception of reality» because of the lack of real - world details such as seeing one's own feet on the ground.
Some of the greatest physicists have described it as impossible to intuit and impossible to formulate into words, and as invalidating common sense and ordinary perception.
Teetering on the cusp of ordinary perception, David Harrison's paintings, drawings and sculptures present a world where the natural and supernatural go hand in hand.
The titles are programmatic, because these three dimensions — the disruption of ordinary perception,
The title refers to a theological term for the attempts to describe God, divine good, or the ideal by negation, by going beyond the realm of ordinary perception and conventional thinking.
Peter Barrickman's paintings depict the way in which our ordinary perception is convoluted by the continual patching together of images and colors that create the world around us.
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