Sentences with phrase «ordinary places»

The emphasis on finding inspiration, even from the most ordinary places, should encourage young readers to make art of their own.
Everyone else is walking right past it, to more ordinary trains to more ordinary places.
Kids that were once exposed to comics through trips to just ordinary places now might never discover them at all.
I travel on tight budgets, often to what I call ordinary places.
This is the real America; behind - the - scenes portraits documenting the untold story of ordinary places in everyday (well, night) small town USA, void of any people.
While 77.5 % of folks in ordinary places pitched in, only 35 % of luxury clients did the same.
and conducted openair rallies in ordinary places such as leisure centre car parks and town squares.
Like the rest of the town, it's a seemingly ordinary place with secrets lurking beneath the surface, as preppy sidekick Donna (Lara Flynn Boyle) and really - not - a-tough-guy biker James (James Marshall) discover.
Liberty Township, an all - black community sitting on the East Texan plains is, at first glance, a rather ordinary place.
I shoot ordinary places and invite the viewer to look at them with a fresh...
I have fond memories of nursing in lots of ordinary places, too: during a perfect summer sunset on my friends» porch swing, on our roof deck, and especially in my favorite chair.
Grahame, We too have found that we can be the church, the body of Christ, in the most ordinary circumstances and the most ordinary places.
In your reply the simplicity of being Christ to someone else is clearly reflected and as you said it happens in ordinary places, in simple ways during ordinary conversations.
It immediately says to employees: «This is not an ordinary place.
It is dangerous to pile up examples of persons who have made of an ordinary place or a run - of - the - mill office an opportunity for extraordinary service to God and to humanity.
«By saving and conserving structures like the first Taco Bell in Downey, we hope to set a precedent and demonstrate the great power that can come from unexpected histories in seemingly - ordinary places
«Accounts that serve Heineken are no ordinary place to grab a beer.
It's an unusual scenario, but Gorongosa is no ordinary place.
Splinter Cell is the hardcore's game made excellent by an engaging storyline and a sinfully addictive journey into ordinary places that become extraordinary simply due to the change in how we tackle each of their unique problems.
Bhutan is no ordinary place.
When you first walk into the big red doors at Your Pet Space you quickly realize that this isn't any ordinary place of business.
It's no ordinary place: authentic culture is prioritized over the latest global developments.
This is no ordinary place to stay.
Her cunning attention to quotidian details imprint upon the viewer the unmistakable ambiance of ordinary places.
Unraveling mythic events in ordinary places, Leslie Schwing's mixed media paintings are animated with figures, glyphs, and elements both personal and universal.
A publication commissioned by Ideas Test and created in collaboration with Birkbeck (University of London) and Out of the Ordinary Places, reflecting on the...
The imaginary world of the paintings seems like a secret diamond mine having come from an ordinary place.
Gallery artist Colin Chillag was recently a par - ticipant in a four artist show at the University of Arizona Museum of Art entitled No Ordinary Place which ran from May 31 to September 8.
Pak's interest lies in the possibilities of discovering extraordinarily profound and insightful messages encoded within the most unlikely and ordinary places.
They are ordinary places that have been through the tragedy just like the ordinary people in Gwang - ju.
Ordinary places, where ordinary people eat, work and play.
Where's your favorite out - of - the - ordinary place to shop?
«In any ordinary place, on any ordinary day, the parable can live again, when one will kneel and one will yield.
Find out - of - the - ordinary places to add a little harvest accent, such as the back of a dining room chair.
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