Sentences with phrase «ordinary star»

Though they appear on photographic plates made by astronomers more than a century ago, they looked like ordinary stars, and raised no curiosity.
It looks like the big boom was caused when two ordinary stars crashed into each other some 49 million years ago, Lets hope it was a no - fault galaxy.
The discrepancy is even worse at the cores of the universe's tiny dwarf galaxies, which have few ordinary stars but lots of dark matter.
The cloud of unanswered questions surrounding planetaries should not obscure the real insight astronomers have recently gained into the extraordinary death of ordinary stars.
Lock - step, consensus federal science prevented the US military and the US Department of Energy (DOE) from understanding the violently unstable nature of the energy source that powers the Sun and causes eruptions and flares from ordinary stars like the Sun and from pulsars [1 - 4].
Adrift on one small rocky planet that orbits one ordinary star out of a trillion trillion stars in the observable universe, each one of us is locked inside a singular, self - aware speck of flesh, embedded in a web of biological evolution that sprawls across the eons.
WHEN the final thing a giant star does is explode, briefly giving out more light than 100 billion ordinary stars put together, you would be forgiven for thinking that spotting them is pretty easy.
Also hoping to probe the theorem, University of Florida physicist Clifford Will suggested a test to track how ordinary stars near Sagittarius A * move, and Norbert Wex and Michael Kramer at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany hope to do the same with one or more pulsars, though they first need to find one that is close enough.
The star is travelling away from us at a speed of about 700 kilometres per second — much faster than ordinary stars in the galactic neighbourhood.
Unlike ordinary stars, supermassive stars are stabilized against gravity mostly by their own photon radiation.
The planets» presence in such an extreme setting suggests that small solid bodies form routinely around ordinary stars, Backman believes.
Ordinary stars also blow dust into space when they swell into red giants near the end of their lives.
It detected more than 150 ordinary stars by the X-radiation from their coronas.
The unambiguous detection of X rays from other more distant ordinary stars was achieved 30 years later by the orbiting HEAO 2 satellite known as the Einstein Observatory.
White dwarfs — the dense remnants of ordinary stars — usually have very pure atmospheres dominated by the lightweight elements hydrogen and helium, because heavier elements tend to sink into a star's interior.
This is one reason that quasars can be so hard to find: In any astronomical image taken through a single - wavelength filter, they are indistinguishable from ordinary stars, which massively outnumber them.
No ordinary star does this.
A European team now has taken a step toward that goal by spotting the smallest planet yet found circling an ordinary star.
Thanks to its intense gravity, a neutron star or a black hole in orbit with an ordinary star snatches gas from its companion.
It turned out Sco X-1 was no ordinary star.
So while you are enjoying a look at the ordinary stars, the magnetar sleuths will be busily scanning the sky with gamma - ray goggles, waiting for the next big blast.
The astronomers studying it say Mira was once an ordinary star before ballooning into a red giant 400 times the diameter of the sun.
The glow seemed consistent with the size and shape of the matter needed to make ngc 5907 spin the way it does, so astronomers hoped that this might be the first sign that the dark halos were made of ordinary stars and planets — albeit faint ones — rather than exotic, yet - to - be discovered particles.
(Part of an ordinary star or white dwarf also exists as this energy, but a much smaller fraction.)
Galileo apparently observed Neptune in 1613 but mistook it for an ordinary star; the planet wasn't identified for real until 1846.
KIC 8462852, or «Tabby's Star,» nicknamed after Boyajian, is otherwise an ordinary star, about 50 percent bigger and 1,000 degrees hotter than the Sun, and about than 1,000 light years away.
When an ordinary star (upper left) passed near a giant black hole at the heart of a galaxy, gravitational tides ripped it apart.
At the most fundamental level, the signal gave them an existence proof: the fact that the objects came so close to each other before merging meant that they had to be black holes, because ordinary stars would need to be much bigger.
An object too small to be an ordinary star because it can not produce enough energy by fusion in its core to compensate for the radiative energy it loses from its surface.
[See Bruce Balick and Adam Frank, «The Extraordinary Deaths of Ordinary Stars,» Scientific American, Vol.
Ordinary stars have magnetic fields generated internally by moving gases acting as dynamos, but neutron stars are packed far too tightly for that.
The Sun, which is just an ordinary star, gives off the light that allows life to exist on Earth.
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