Sentences with phrase «ordinated from»

A shoot for a German client that was planned and co ordinated from Sydney.

Not exact matches

Indeed, China's slowdown reflects an economic model that is, as former Premier Wen Jiabao put it, «unstable, unbalanced, unco - ordinated, and unsustainable,» and that now is adversely affecting growth in emerging Asia and in commodity - exporting emerging markets from Asia to Latin America and Africa.
If we take Father Schall's pointed jest and explore it in relation to Walker Percy's own long journey, we see the heart of Percy's concern, a concern central to his fascination with the mystery of sign, of language, in relation to the reality we experience either by a deportment through ordinate sentiment to reality or a deportment of sentimentality, that is, a manner divorced from reality.
Eastern Rite Catholics have a married clergy and celibate bishops (often drawn from the monasteries) and an Eastern liturgy similar to the Orthodox so there is precedent and an historic tradition for the ordinate.
The ordinate axis of the plots refers to the temperatures calculated from the models.
Nevertheless, the salutary aspect of the GISP 2 data is the clear indication it provides of a gentle, truly secular cooling trend since the Holocene optimum, overlain by weakly stationary, strongly structured, quasi-Gaussian stochastic variations whose ordinate distribution and power - spectrum both diverge from anything resembling a Poisson process of abrupt jumps.
(Top) Time series of the NPI (sea level pressure during December through March averaged over the North Pacific, 30 ° N to 65 ° N, 160 ° E to 140 ° W) from 1900 to 2005 expressed as normalised departures from the long - term mean (each tick mark on the ordinate represents two standard deviations, or 5.5 hPa).
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