Sentences with phrase «ordination by»

John Wesley had asserted his rights as a presbyter to ordain men for a, ministry in America, thereby denying the necessity of ordination by bishops alone.
Preaching is not permitted until after ordination by some denominations.
The recognition of the validity of her ordination by Archbishop Kolini — and some hints of openness toward women's ordination from Akinola himself — coupled with her being called to All Souls in Wheaton suggests that women's ministry may be an issue in the future for Common Cause.
It affirmed that the ministry is a gift of God through Christ to his church, and is essential to the being and well - being of the church, that men gifted for the work of the ministry, called by the Spirit and accepted by the church, are commissioned through an act of ordination by prayer and the laying on of hands.
Now, if we be allowed an imaginative look into the future, such communities might in certain circumstances choose an «elder» (presbyter) from their midst who would then become their priestly president through sacramental ordination by the bishop.
Then, in a detailed analysis of a paragraph at the end of the letter to the Romans, he demolishes any hope given to the cause of women's ordination by the brief reference to Junias (or Junia), clearly showing we can not know with any certainty the sex of this member of the early church, nor his or her place in relation to the apostles.

Not exact matches

Far from seeking his own advancement, each move up the echelons of the episcopal ladder has been met with surprise by Justin Welby, perhaps influenced by the fact he was told there wasn't «place for him in the modern Church of England» when he first applied for ordination.
And today with the ordination Mass attended by the bishop and all the priests, you see that effort has been rewarded.
By the time liberation arrived, Geoff had made up his mind that he wanted to pursue ordination.
Ma, whose ordination had been supported by both Beijing and the Vatican, made the announcement during his ordination ceremony on Saturday in the St. Ignatius Cathedral in Shanghai.
After the ordination of eight of our brothers, there are over fifty of us studying for the priesthood or preparing to live life as a consecrated brother, about to be joined by fifteen more on July 25.
Seventy - two bishops signed the 1994 «Koinonia Statement» initiated by Bishop John Spong of Newark and supporting the ordination of homosexuals.
«However, some are finding their entry to ordination blocked by liberal clergy who do not believe orthodox Anglican teachings, like Jesus being the only way to be saved.
Without Precedent: Scripture, Tradition and the Ordination of Women, by Geofrey Kirk, Wipf and Stock, 162pp, # 16.00.
Where else do we get the opportunity to be fed with the Word of God, explained to us by some one filled with the Holy Spirit at his ordination?
Eventually I qualified for ordination as a Methodist by taking courses in the correspondence school.
By virtue of his ordination the priest offers the sacrifice in persona Christi, in the person of Christ.
The CTS has done a competent job with Jim Gallagher's simple booklet telling the story of John Paul's life - the childhood marked by his mother's early death along with that of his brother; the deep, strong bond with his father; the grim years of the German occupation and his tough job in a stone quarry; the mysticism and prayer - life; the youth drama groups; the ordination in a Poland coming to grips with what was to be a decades - long imposition of Communism.
Rome is wrong to deny ordination to women, but by the same token it was wrong centuries ago about the nature of priesthood; Rome should have rendered a different judgment in the case of contraception, but there is no authentic apostolic authority to make such a judgment in the first place.
However, it is unclear whether she links the tradition of ontological change only to the «newer» (that is, from the 11th and 12th centuries onwards) and «narrower» (pp205 - 206) interpretation of ordination, for she suggests that an ontological change took place in both St Peter and St Paul symbolised by their name changes in the New Testament (p47).
These large issues came to a focus in the practical question of whether ordinations and baptisms performed by traditores were valid.
I do not see how preaching, worship, prayer, ordination, the sacraments can be taken seriously by the radical theologian.
I would conclude, then, that by changing my attitudes on several deeply ingrained matters (such as contraception and women's ordination), I have uncovered a remarkably unthreatening attitude toward the changeable and unchangeable in the church in general.
Despite fitful interest in spiritual things, he, by his own account, was lazy, lustful, and more interested in theater than theology when he began studying for ordination at Oxford.
If one really believes in justification by faith alone, differences over other matters — the real presence in the Eucharist, apostolic ministry, the indissolubility of marriage, the ordination of women, and on and on — make no difference.
A Myriad of future events would have been prearranged by God on the basis of his prescience of contingent choices — what McCabe called «subsequent ordination» (DN 81).
The Guardian: Female bishops: EU anti-discrimination law may be the CoE's salvation While the Church of England's legalism has halted progress on equality issues by voting against the ordination of female bishops this week, EU anti-discrimination law may prove its salvation.
Here are a few of those affirmations: all baptized Christians have Spirit - granted charismata assigned to them; offices are a particular type of charismata; there is no ontological difference between officeholders and other members of the congregations; the priesthood of all believers does not divide a congregation into distinct groups (laity and clergy); ordination is a public attestation to the presence of the particular charismata by the whole congregation; ordination is not necessarily an irrevocable appointment to a lifelong task.
That Was the Church That Was (I think I can reveal without causing any grave difficulties to anyone) is dominated by factional differences between evangelical conservatives and liberal Catholics, by office politics, by money troubles, and by struggles over homosexuality and over the ordination of women.
I know a young woman seminarian whose approval for ordination was postponed for a year with the explanation by the examining committee that they knew she could stand the postponement better than other, less mature candidates.
Regarding the issue of ordination raised by James Nuzzo, at stake is the question of how all believers share eucharistically in Christ, definitely not brickbats or sibling rivalries.
Stirred by the steady stream of feminist literature which has caused a revolution in Western society, and prodded by the more liberal wing of the church which opened up the discussion on the ordination of women twenty or more years ago, contemporary evangelicals have become increasingly interested in reevaluating the role of women.
The Church of England has published proposals that could lead to approval of the ordination of women bishops by 2015.
Had Joshua presided at my ordination, I doubt he would have let me get by with a simple vow to study, pray, teach and preach.
After all, ordination began as a designation by the people of God for an individual as set apart to lead from amongst and within them.
As Jesuit Tom Reese has pointed out, the bishops and cardinals appointed by John Paul II were chosen for their loyalty to Humanae Vitae, their opposition to the ordination of women, and the like, not for their competence as proven pastors, their administrative skills, or their breadth of vision.
And his role is determined not by the whims of the moment but by assuming a particular position within English society, a position established by the ritual of ordination, which determines the role he is going to play.
In a recent discussion with a group of seminary students, I was struck by the apparent confusion over the nature of ordination among young persons about to enter professional ministry.
And this is precisely the authoritarian foundation of traditional preaching, whether that authority be lodged in the church, the Scriptures, the ordination of the clergy, or in the exclusive ability of the clergy, by virtue of their training, to handle aright the eternal truths.
Thus, the priests are merely slavish members of the pope's body (this is a spirito - magic reality), connected with the pope - head by the magical consecration or ordination.
Most of them, to judge by what I've seen of them and their advance notices, are by authors who want to change the subject - to what's wrong with church teaching on sexuality, to celibacy, to women's ordination, to democratizing decision making, to anything but fidelity.
See for instance Raimon Panikkar, La plenitud del hombre (Madrid 1999), p. 26: «The existential situation at the end of this century is so serious that we must not let ourselves be consumed by internal political fights and rather private problems (the ordination of women, protestant sacraments, ecumenism, sexual morals, modern rites and the like)».
When the church is consumed and possessed by mortgages, capital campaigns, membership numbers, qualifications for membership or deacon or elder, the variety and format of financial reports, redecorating, ordination policies, the proper delineation of committee responsibilities, the aggregation and strengthening and protection of church hierarchical authority, the preference for political associations and prominence instead of being a voice and influence for justice and compassion, seasonal vestment colors, the abandonment and refusal to acknowledge congregations who dare to be excited by their proclaiming and provoking and living and sharing the Good News, the continual choosing and preoccupation with better organization over better outreach, or what styles of worship are to be offered — then it is time for an earth - shaking, stone - rolling, curtain ripping, hurricane - strength, fiery and noisy transformational revolution that will resurrect the Good News in the body and spirit of communities and individuals.
Many theologians lobbied for elections of bishops by laity and, of course, pushed for the ordination of women priests.
When Father Roger Nesbitt celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination in 2007, he was presented with a scroll signed by almost forty priests, each of whom owed his vocation, at least in part, to Fr Nesbitt's example.
For a most deeply significant instance, there was John Paul II, who had by the time of Richard's ordination been pope for more than ten years.
In the matter of the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church, for example, the eventual outcome has become dramatically overshadowed by the manner in which the issue is being handled.
In episcopal churches, ordination is by a bishop and usually takes place at a Eucharist.
The Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) will hold its first ordination service led by the newly consecrated... More
The diminishment of Mary and the severing of her connection to the Church by the reformers was one step along the long road to women's ordination.
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