Sentences with phrase «organ disease»

A decreased risk of organ disease associated with oral bacteria.
Veterinary guidelines still recommend that these procedures be done before your pup reaches sexual maturity to obtain maximum health benefits such as protection from reproductive organ diseases, as well as preventing unwanted pregnancies.
Therefore providing the doctor with what they need to find foreign bodies, detect some internal organ diseases, and also show bladder stones.
The incidence of chronic degenerative organ disease increases with age, and early diagnosis fosters earlier treatment and more effective nutritional management.
There are primary organ diseases that can cause oral lesions.
Being aware of your dog's water intake is important because drinking too little water can lead to dehydration while drinking too much water can be an indication of organ disease.
Even after the first heat, spaying will reduce the risks of certain cancers and eliminate reproductive organ disease.
There are also some internal organ diseases that may affect the nail to crack and crumble, exposing the quick.
To date, there's little conclusive evidence that genetically modified ingredients are harmful for cats, but studies have shown that consumption of genetically modified corn resulted in organ disease in rats.
Joint problems, including hip and elbow dysplasia and loose kneecaps; eye problems; cancers; skin diseases; heart and other organ diseases; and more affect canines of every size and background.
Because kibbled foods made with these poor quality meats are so difficult to digest and assimilate, they can actually cause organ disease.
Yearly dental cleanings and home dental care can help prevent some types of organ diseases by minimizing spread of bacteria from the mouth into the bloodstream.
In - house Laboratory We have in house capabilities of diagnosing organ disease, anemia, parasites, and many cellular diseases.
Causes of this disease may include differing types of immunodeficiency disorders, a hypersensitivity to specific oral bacteria, drug reactions, and other systemic organ diseases — including kidney failure, cancers, and diabetes mellitus.
The best preventive measures to ease your pooch into her senior years without organ disease revolve around regular, at - home dental brushings and annual oral examinations with possible prophylactic tooth cleanings by your veterinarian.
Not only does bad teeth cause bad breath, but plaque, tartar and gingivitis can lead to severe organ diseases such as heart, kidney and liver failure.
They arise in the skin or spleen as a single expansile tumor or it may also appear as part of a multi organ disease that often involves spleen, liver, bones and kidneys.
It may cause very serious organ disease but may be prevented by vaccination; pets may come in contact with Leptospirosis by drinking from contaminated puddles.
It is also possible to see joint lameness with some strains of calicivirus, while other strains that are more virulent can cause multiple organ disease.
Often, diagnostic testing (fecal examination for parasites, aspiration of lumps and bumps to check for abscesses and cancers, X-rays and blood tests to determine if organ disease is present) must be done.
The cases we defend often involve allegations of cancer, birth defects, and major organ diseases (e.g., diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys and central nervous system), as well as other chronic and acute injuries allegedly resulting from inhalation, dermal, ocular and ingestion exposures.
The researchers are now in discussions with a pharmaceutical firm about screening for drugs that might target and shut off these fibrosis - causing stem cells in cases of chronic organ disease.
Dental disease not only causes pain and bad breath, it can also result in organ disease from the spread of infection through the blood.
Spaying / neutering will prevent unwanted pregnancies as well as decrease the chances of reproductive organ diseases, such as potentially fatal infections and cancer.
Gums that are tinged yellow are a sign of organ disease.
Nearly 1 in 10 U.S. adults age 20 and older have diabetes, a condition in which the body can not properly regulate blood glucose levels, leading to organ disease and other complications.
They are the number one cause of of food related allergies and intestinal upsets in animals and may cause digestive complications, distension and organ disease.
By the third generation, the cats consuming cooked foods suffered from allergies, behavior problems, parasites, musculoskeletal problems, organ disease, and immune problems.
There are also studies under way into CBD's effects on Type 1 diabetes, organ diseases and cancer.
For example, if your dog has an organ disease and begins to develop a skin rash after treatment, it is a solid indication that they are on the path to recovery.
We are equipped with digital radiology that quickly provides the veterinarian with images of the internal structures of your pet allowing us to evaluate for orthopedic and organ disease.
The unit offers specialized surgical management of skin and organ diseases (orthopedic and neurological diseases are managed by other services), In addition, specialists primarily manage and supervise elective surgical procedures performed by senior students, interns, and residents.
The following metabolic and organ diseases may result in your dog's symptoms: Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Heart disease, Liver disease, and Hypothyroidism.
Many conventional cat foods are treated with preservatives like Ethoxyquin, BHA, and BHT, chemicals that have been linked to organ disease, cancer, and skin problems.
Poor dental health doesn't only lead to bad breath, but also more serious health conditions such as tooth extractions and organ disease.
There are also a variety of recipes for pets with medical conditions, such as allergies or organ diseases.
He could be suffering from a urinary tract infection, organ disease, a blockage of his digestive tract, or internal bleeding.
Overweight geriatric dogs have higher rates of cancer, organ disease, arthritis, diabetes, and other health conditions.
These problems may include brain tumors, poisoning, low blood sugar, nerve or muscle problems and organ disease.
Veterinarians can run tests and X-rays in their office to look for intestinal parasites or changes in bacterial population, parvovirus, foreign objects, infection, organ disease and common poisonings.
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