Sentences with phrase «organ prolapse]»

There is a further condition brought out in the literature which can be expressed as «if the separation of the body and life can not be verified, or if there is doubt about the separation of the body and life, organ excision is morally prohibited and should not be allowed» [2].
If one considers cloning, the storing of human fetuses for research purposes and organ harvesting, and the whole field of genetic manipulation, no one can fail to have noticed the slow erosion of human dignity that threatens us.
«Practitioners of Falun Gong, as well as other Buddhist, folk religionist, and Protestant groups deemed «superstitious» or «evil cults» face long jail terms, forced denunciations of faith and torture in detention, and the government has not sufficiently answered accusations of psychiatric experimentation and organ harvesting.»
The key question that must be answered by all of us now is: If we allow ourselves to be organ donors can we be confident that our organs and tissue will be removed following our deaths in an ethically acceptable manner?
Your brain is the only organ that changes as a direct result of and in response to, the connections made.
«The key question that must be answered by all of us now is: If we allow ourselves to be organ donors, can we be confident that our organs and tissue will be removed following our deaths and in an ethically acceptable manner?»
But it's one thing to see a headline like that in The Telegraph: entirely another to see it in the OrdinariatePortal (though this website is not, I am told, actually an organ of the Ordinariate or the Ordinary himself).
Dr David W. Evans, cardiologist, formerly of the Papworth Hospital in Cambridgeshire, is one of a number of medical professionals who doubt that all organ donors diagnosed «brain dead» are actually brain dead at all.
[1] Pope John Paul II, Address To The Participants Of The Society For Organ Sharing, Transplantation Proceedings, Vol.23, No. 5 (October), 1991: pp.xvii - xviii.
In 1991 Pope John Paul II stated that: «With the advent of organ transplantation, which began with blood transfusions, man has found his way to give of himself, of his blood and of his body, so that others may continue to live.
He is convinced that «brain death» is an invention of those promoting organ transplantation, stating in a letter to the BMJ that their:» explicit recognition that «brain death is a recent invention for transplant purposes is most welcome and should do much to expose the fallacies and fudgings associated with this supposednew form of death, which have been hidden from public and professional view for far too long.»
Peculiar contradictions exist in national laws with regard to organ transplants.
[12] Keep, Phillip, 2000, UK physicians urge potential organ donors to be anaesthetised even after certified brain dead, Transplant News, October 2000.
The difficulty in ascertaining whether a potential organ donor is dead was exemplified in a University of Bonn Medical Centre study where two out of 113 who were initially thought to be mortally brain - damaged defied the fatal prognosis and made recoveries.
In such a context organ donorship is of doubtful morality.
> Haitian investigators have told our team the evidence suggests organ harvesting and trafficking as well.
In Japan, for example, if a patient has expressed a written wish to be an organ donor then organs can be taken on medical diagnosis of brain death.
But there is more, for researchers have learned that for a cell (not even for an organ much less the complete body) to survive, three things must work together — DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA and proteins.
Or how was a man named David, a simple shepherd at one time some 3,000 years ago, able to specify that we are formed by means of a set of detailed instruction within our DNA, that makes each of us unique, saying: «Your (God's) eyes saw even the embryo (up through 56 days after conception) of me, and in your book (the instructions in DNA) all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one (organ) among them»?
Just as the body needs an organ that circulates the blood, the economy needs a mechanism that circulates the wealth.
As The Guardian notes, a new patient is added to the list of people who need organ transplants every 10 minutes, and every single day, 22 people die while waiting for a transplant.
This Life or Death FACT when it comes to Organ Donor, Blood Transfusion and Childbirth.
Apple's upcoming iOS 10 update could have major implications for thousands of people in need of organ transplants.
In any case, in the following paragraphs I will first analyze Whitehead's remarks in Process and Reality on societies as the necessary environment for the ongoing emergence of actual occasions and then show how this analysis throws unexpected light on Whitehead's further explanation of the hierarchy of societies within the current world order, in particular, the difference between inorganic and organic societies, and, among organic societies, those with a «soul» or «living person» and those without such a central organ of control.
CEO Tim Cook said that the ultimate goal is to help solve the problem of organ donor shortages across the US.
The ORU - grad is a perfect neighbor, volunteer worker, organ donor and businessman who'd do anything for his community, and is quick to forgive the many transgressions against him by the Simpson family.
At Psalms 139, the man David was inspired to write that «your (God's) eyes saw even the embryo (comprising 56 days) of me, and in your book all its (the human body) parts were down in writing (our DNA), as regards the days when they were not formed (before becoming a fetus), and there was not yet one (complete organ) among them.»
My wife and I are both organ donors, then we are to be cremated.
That horrible case in San Luis Obispo, in which Dr. Hootan Roozrokh, an organ transplant surgeon is accused of attempting to hasten the death of Ruben Navarro, a dependent adult to harvest his organs, is going to trial.
For example, scientists would remove the gene from a pig that creates a pancreas, or other organ.
Hamish Ogston CBE provided # 384,000 to complete the refurbishment of Liverpool Cathedral's Grand Organ, the largest pipe organ in the country.
Frasca quotes one editorial published after the war which claimed that Mexico lost because Catholicism was «the festering canker - worm... infecting every organ of vitality and every fibre of strength with the poison of premature rottenness and decay....
A heart is a living organ!
Entrepreneur and philanthropist, Hamish Ogston CBE provided his hot air balloon for the event, which celebrated his six - figure donation towards a restoration of the landmark's pipe organ.
When we heard the sad news late Tuesday that the world's oldest person, Maria Gomes Valentim of Brazil (pictured above), had died of multiple organ failure only a couple weeks before her 115th birthday, we wondered, «Didn't we just cover the world's oldest person dying?»
In a small, steepled church, people sing a few old hymns backed by an organ, listen to a sermon, share in Communion and have bad coffee as they laugh and catch up in the church basement afterward.
I was one of those cutting edge ministers who was hired by a mainline church to start a «contemporary» service (read: a church service with a live band and worship team instead of an organ and choir) in the late 90's when it was the trendy thing to do.
Officials from both sides have said that the conversation will be focused on topics of shared values and priorities, but prior to the visit, Vatican Radio — which, according to USA Today «is considered an official organ of communication for the church «-- released a story addressing U.S. policy issues at odds with Vatican teaching.
We have a paradox in such a little organ.
How arrogant wafflestomper, how foolish to think you can know the mind of the creator within that squirmy gray organ between your ears.
In recent years, we have seen the growth in living organ donations, usually one kidney or a slice of liver.
Well, OUR God - Box's Organ Grinder hasn't retired yet!
There's a great deal of push within the organ transplant community and bioethics to loosen the rules of organ donation.
In the wake of the fetal organ harvesting exposé, the pro-life movement mounted vigorous and continuing protests in front of Planned Parenthood clinics across the country.
Just as the song begins to fit into a niche, it stops to breath, leaving nothing but the piano line and then some choir - y organ as the lyrics begin to confess, And here I stand a broken man / If I could I would raise my hands / I come before you humbly / If I could I'd be on my knees / Come lay down your head upon my chest / Feel my heart beat feel my unrest / If Jesus could only wash my feet / Then I'd get up strong and muscle on.
This is profoundly unwise because it will, in my view, erode the trust people currently have in the organ transplant system.
A flower is nature's most beautiful reproductive organ.
At the World Government Summit in Dubai, in February, Musk again cued the scary organ music, evoking the plots of classic horror stories when he noted that «sometimes what will happen is a scientist will get so engrossed in their work that they don't really realize the ramifications of what they're doing.»
And organ donation is not mandatory.
You are not required to be an organ donor.
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