Sentences with phrase «organic feed instead»

Not exact matches

Followed instructions exactly but used organic grass fed butter instead of palm shortening.
Instead, vegetarian - fed, hormone - free poultry and meats, non-GMO foods and organic ingredients take their place.
Why is an organic farm using non-organic GMO free feed instead of certified organic feed on the layers?
I adapted Jenn's recipe a bit to make use of what I had on hand: I couldn't find sweet potato vermicelli (the type of noodles generally used for chap chae) so I substituted mung bean cellophane noodles; I added tempeh for protein (you could try small pieces of organic chicken, pastured pork or grass - fed steak instead, if you like) and topped the dish off with homemade sriracha.
By buying organic formula, you support mother Earth by promoting a natural way of feeding the animals, specifically the cows instead of genetic engineering.
Instead of faux, switch to real, grass - fed, organic butter.
Instead, stick to some basic rules, like eating an array of fruits and vegetables; finding well - sourced foods, like organic dairy and produce, and grass - fed meats; and aiming for 30 minutes of brisk walking on most days.
Instead, consume grass - fed, organic butter and ghee.
This includes: soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, sweetened coffee or tea, packaged snacks like cookies and candy, sweeteners (even the natural ones like raw honey and maple syrup), and conventional (non-organic and pasteurized) cow's milk and dairy products (choose raw milk or pasture - raised, grass - fed, and organic dairy instead).
A typical Paleo meal might include a grass - fed burger with portobello mushroom caps instead of the bun, accompanied by a salad of organic leafy greens, tomatoes, avocado slices and cold - pressed extra-virgin olive oil.
She doesn't vilify meats like so many try to do in this day and age... instead she acknowledges that meats raised in a healthy manner (grass - fed meats, organic, wild game, etc) as well as organ meats can be very powerful and essential to our health.
Conventionally raised meat (instead opt for organic, hormone - free, grass - fed, cage - free, or pasture - raised animal proteins whenever possible)
Instead of Ensure, use an organic, grass fed whey protein mixed in pure water (no fluoride or chlorine).
Instead, grass - fed, organic and pasture - raised animal products are significantly higher in nutrient density and lower in environmental toxins.
Their actions feed the narrative rather than the other way around, so when the fight scenes and explosions start, they feel plausible and organic instead of arbitrary.
Instead of feeding an organic dry food to your cat, I suggest instead choosing a commercially available or home - prepared nutritionally complete and balanced diet containing whole foods like real (cooked) meat, fresh vegetables and fruit, grain, seeds and other ingredients, even if the components aren't all oInstead of feeding an organic dry food to your cat, I suggest instead choosing a commercially available or home - prepared nutritionally complete and balanced diet containing whole foods like real (cooked) meat, fresh vegetables and fruit, grain, seeds and other ingredients, even if the components aren't all oinstead choosing a commercially available or home - prepared nutritionally complete and balanced diet containing whole foods like real (cooked) meat, fresh vegetables and fruit, grain, seeds and other ingredients, even if the components aren't all organic.
Fossil Fuel is a generic term that isn't quite correct Natural Gasoline is a distilled derivative of oil but almost all ofit is manufactured from cracked and recombined oil derivativeswhile natural gasoline is further refined intoPropane, butane, Proproline (a plastics feed stock), and Natural gasand also separates out sulfur (for fertilizer and explosives) Gasoline can be made from coal («Coaline») or from organic matter («Bio-fuel») but uses a few of oil based feed stocks instead tomake «Sythiline» (artificial gasoline) This gasoline is actually cleaner burning then natural gas with allit's «flare offs» (butane, propane, propoline, sulfur) used in theearly 19th century because it is manufactured only with essentialHydrocarbons Diesel fuel is also becoming more and more Manufactured instead ofdistilled as demand for it rises but improvements in Hydro cleaningis allowing for diesel with no volatile chemicals like sulfur andmercury (taken out for petro - chemical feedstock to make fertilizerand thermometers) In both cases what you have is pure hydro - carbons, a carbon atomwith hydrogen atoms attached to it In the case of gasoline there is CH1, cH7, CH11 When in a combustion engine the gasoline is sprayed into the pistonafter being mixed with air and the drive of the engine compressesthe the chamber filled with the gasoline mist until it's full downstoke then the spark plug causes the Exothermic reaction... which isthe conversion of the potential energy in the gasoline mist to heatand force, with the force side of that equation shooting the pistonupward and the top of the stroke kicking what's left of thecaramelized gasoline mist out into the Emission control box If the Emulsion control box wasn't there to filter out the burntgasoline particles, any potential additives and volatile chemicalsthen the caramelized gunk hitting air would create CARBON MONOXIDEin the cooler then the heat of the engine difference CARBON MONOXIDE can also become a problem if the Emissions controlBox filter, air filters or muffler filters is worn or damaged.
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