Sentences with phrase «organic life forms»

Like many in the group, Penone uses simple materials from daily life to unsettle the boundaries between art and nature, and to point out the interdependence among all organic life forms.
Created in the darkroom with the help of a Van de Graaff generator, sheets of unexposed film are subjected to electrical discharges, creating sparks of light that scar the film with patterns reminiscent of organic life forms and tree - filled landscapes.
With the help of a scanner, Myrah can sell the biological information of organic life forms she comes across to purchase upgrades for her ship, suit, and weapons.
You are hunting down the origin of a virus called «STORL» which effectively mutates what were organic life forms and twists them into creatures that just want to pull you limb from limb.

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Ace, to quote Darwin from the same page, «Probably all organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial life form
Humans likewise could have evolved from a simple organic structure into diverse life forms that includes man just as galaxies or stars have diverse properties.
Matter does not control or direct itself, yet science as it progresses is gradually uncovering a sort of organic unity within the universe in which atoms become molecules, molecules link to form chemicals that form proteins, these link to form DNA, simple life forms evolve into more complex life forms, and so on.
Matter does not control or direct itself, yet science describes a sort of organic unity within the universe in which atoms become molecules, molecules link to form chemicals that form proteins, these link to form DNA, simple life forms evolve into more complex life forms, etc..
And it is apparent in the recurrent themes of returning to the natural, to the soil, to simpler forms of life, and to the elemental experiences of common people, that manifest themselves in folk music, communes, handicrafting, and classes in organic gardening.
This felt contrast between solitariness and community is the empirical datum which underlies the multitude of religious symbols, such as creation, incarnation, resurrection, nirvana, samsara, moksha, tao, wu - wei, t» ien, each of them, in their wide variety of forms and connotations, pointing to some aspect of organic life together.
The additivity of organic life, as science now tells us, is something quite different from the superposition of characteristics added to one another like the layers forming a sedimentary deposit.
The price which the modern world has paid for the liberation of the French Revolution has been the decay of those organic forms of life which enabled men to live in direct relation with one another and which gave men security, connection, and a feeling of being at home in the - world.
Organicism is holistic and substantialist, visualizing carbon - based life - forms (organic in another sense) as the essence of livingness.
If the vital thrust is shared by all living elements and if certain organic forms are sought as necessary for indeterminate activity, then one might imagine why the same forms tend to appear universally.
All of these scientific hypotheses boil down to first there was an planetary mass covered with water and providing the correct conditions for chemical reactions to create a simple organic compound from which life was formed.
We anticipate some sort of growth toward increased complexity: increasingly larger organic macromolecules, then the convergence of many macromolecules to constitute a simple living system, either as a cell with its protective wall and vital nucleus or as some functional analogue, then the convergence of many cells to form larger organisms.
Man is an organic and organized whole, possessing a future consisting not merely of successive years but of higher states to be achieved by struggle, not merely survival, but some form of higher life or super-life.
The emergence of life is perhaps the single most dramatic example on this planet, yet even life also requires a material substratum of organic macromolecules out of which this radically novel form of existence could emerge.
«What we have described as globalization is remarkably close to Teilhard de Chardin's planetization, in which «[mankind, born on this planet and spread over its entire surface, come [s] gradually to form round its earthly matrix, a single, major, organic unity, enclosed upon itself.4 Thus the globalization of humankind could lead to the formation of a new kind of living entity — a social organism — on the same cosmic principle as that by which atoms join to form molecules, molecules join to form mega-molecules, mega-molecules unite to form living cells, and innumerable cells constitute an organism.
First the vitalization of matter, associated with the grouping of molecules; then the hominization of Life, associated with a super-grouping of cells; and finally the planetization of Mankind, associated with a closed grouping of people: Mankind, born on this planet and spread over its entire surface, coming gradually to form around its earthly matrix a single, major organic unity, enclosed upon itself; a single, hyper - complex, hyper - centrated, hyperconscious arch-molecule, co-extensive with the heavenly body on which it was born.
God, as chief causative principle and as supreme affect, is «in this world or he is nowhere»; biblical material, and in relation to it Christian liturgical and hymnological imagery, with the theological articulation of this, intend to make affirmations which are to be found in the pictures and forms and myths — and these we must seek to make meaningful and valid for ourselves in our present existence; man is an «embodied» and a social occasion or series (or «routing») of occasions, organic to the world of nature, and can only truly live as he lives in due recognition of these facts and sees them as integral to himself.
It's possible, we've seen, to combine «organic» and high - tech features in genuinely «postmodern» forms of appropriately relational lives oriented around family, church, and meaningful work.
Knowledge of the existence of a vital third (organic) tradition — the others being Aristotelianism and mechanism — in the seventeenth century, of its early success in promoting scientific discoveries, and of the dubious reasons for its defeat, may help embolden some theologians to revive this tradition, in purified form, in a way that would be beneficial both to the religious life of humanity and its «scientific» understanding of the reality in which it finds itself (p. 41)
As these life forms established themselves over some hundreds of millions of years, the luxuriant foliage formed layer after layer of organic matter, which was then buried in the crust of the earth to become fossil formations with enormous amounts of stored energy.
Along the razor's edge between inclusion of discordant elements as effective contrasts and their dismissal as incompatible ingredients, each organic form of life seeks a particular equilibrium.
8 «The metaphor of a war of nature», Keith Ward writes, «here gives way to a different metaphor: that of a developing emergent whole, with increasingly complex and beautiful co-adaptedness among organic life - forms, and which pictures nature as expressing a continuous growth in harmonious complexity.»
And when you don't got it (we understand, life happens), you can always call for backup in the form of Beech - Nut's natural and organic purees.
Mud flat organisms become established encouraging other life forms changing the organic composition of the soils.
These may have oxygen - rich atmospheres that would make them habitable today, but could have prevented life forming initially by destroying organic chemicals.
Astronomers studying a nearby dwarf galaxy have detected large organic molecules, suggesting that the basic chemical building blocks of life can form in places much more primitive than our own galaxy.
One chemist has a new strategy to scan for life on other worlds: bypass organic chemistry in favour of any molecules too complicated to form spontaneously
Taking their cue from nature, where structurally well - defined biopolymers are the norm, e.g. in DNA and genes where slight variations to the order of a small number of organic molecules gives rise to the diverse spectrum of life, they have developed a self - sorting strategy that regulates the order molecules take when forming long chain polymers.
If you take a planet that has water and organic material, which you can't really avoid having in some sense, and you let that thing evolve for a couple of billion years, how are you going to stop it from forming life?
Comets, asteroids, and small planets forming from the grains would sweep up lots of water and organic material, illustrating how new worlds could acquire the building blocks for life.
«Then you have potentially ruined your chances for looking at the origin of organic material or potentially life forms» on Phobos, he says.
At present, most instruments on astrobiology missions look for habitable conditions, small organic molecules and other «biosignatures» that generally could not be formed without life.
It's a vicious circle but one that has enabled a multinational team of researchers to identify the odours as organic hydrocarbons in the form of three aldehydes, heptanal, octanal and nonanal, whose discovery could bring relief to a disease that claimed nearly half a million lives in 2016.
Philae will also look at complex organic molecules thought to be precursors to life, particularly whether their form is the left - handed or right - handed mirror image.
Comets contain abundant organics — carbon - based molecules that are not necessarily formed from life.
Even the simplest life forms incorporate two amazingly complex types of organic molecules: proteins and nucleic acids.
Finding out how methane and other organic species are formed in deep - sea hydrothermal systems is compelling because these compounds support modern day life, providing energy for microbial communities in the deep biosphere, and because of the potential role of abiotically - formed organic compounds in the origin of life.
Summary: In the future, humanity's genetic engineering technology allows for the creation organic life in a form completely indistinguishable from humans, but these «replicants» only live for 4 years and aren't allowed on Earth.
Nitrogen - containing compounds of this sort are especially interesting because they may have played a role in forming organic compounds involved in the origin of life.
Less than a millimetre across even with its spines, the juvenile form shown here has recently metamorphosed from the free - swimming larval stage and is beginning its new life on the sea floor, consuming organic material it scrapes from the surface of sand grains.
After several days he found that many organic chemicals typical of living cells, including amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, had formed within the concoction.
In addition to water, organic molecules, which could have been deposited on the surface by crashing comets, somehow would have to get through the thick shells of ice for life to form, a situation that puts Saturn's geyser - spewing moon Enceladus at the top of Nimmo's list of potential spots for life.
Many organic molecules needed for life could even have formed below the ocean floor from interactions between minerals and circulating hot water driven these hydrothermal ven systems.
While on present - day Earth the carbonate formation is dominantly through organic processes (various shell - forming marine organisms are happy to make use of the CO2 dissolved in the ocean), in the early Earth and, presumably, in other Earth - like planets with little or no life the same process can occur inorganically, but somewhat slower, in silicate rock weathering.
The next step in the hunt for life on Mars is getting a better grip on the prevalence (or lack thereof) of organic compounds on the surface and in the atmosphere — and then actually digging down into the crust of the Red Planet, to look for actual signs of life, either in the form of fossils or actual living microorganisms.
«These ALMA observations give us new insights into how organic molecules, the building blocks of life, form and evolve in a planet - like environment,» said Anthony Remijan, an astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Va., and coauthor on the paper.
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