Sentences with phrase «organic matter content»

High organic matter content also helps to avoid soil acidification.
The environmental importance of organic matter content is its capacity to limit physical damage and to improve nutrient availability as well as biological activity.
The impact of organic agriculture on soil properties has been covered extensively by research with a special focus on the relevant parameters of organic matter content, biological activity and soil erosion.
The USDA organic regulations recognize the risk of heavy metal contamination at § 205.203 (c): «The producer must manage plant and animal materials to maintain or improve soil organic matter content in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances.»
The positive impacts of organic agriculture on biological activity, micro-organisms and soil organic matter content reported in the paragraphs above are therefore also valid for soils in the tropics and subtropics.
Clay content and initial organic matter content are the main factors in the determination of new equilibrium levels of carbon and nitrogen in the soil.
The organically - farmed soil not only had deeper topsoil but also significantly higher organic matter content and suffered less soil erosion than the conventionally farmed soil.
In addition to reducing erosion, this practice retains water, raises soil organic matter content, and greatly reduces energy use for tillage.
The results of chemical analysis of soils samples collected before planting and harvest of the strawberries indicates that the organic matter content in the soil of the organic system was higher than that of the non-organic system (see table below).
As mineralization processes proceed much faster on ferralitic soils in the tropics and subtropics than on soils typical to temperate and continental zones, a high organic matter content and high biological activity are the pre-requisite for sustainable soil fertility.
A major result was that after just five years, soil organic matter content was 8.6 % greater in the strip - till plots when compared to the no - till plots.
The amount of N2O formed depends on a number of soil factors, such as oxygen supply, water content, temperature, structure, organic matter content, and nitrate concentration.
This is the application of material for weed suppression, moisture retention or to improve organic matter content.
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