Sentences with phrase «organic pesticides»

"Organic pesticides" refers to pesticides that are derived from natural sources, such as plants or minerals, and are used to control or repel pests that can harm crops. These pesticides are considered organic because they do not contain synthetic chemicals or harmful additives that can be harmful to the environment or human health. Full definition
We live in a rural area, so I make a natural difference by using only organic pesticides for our fruit trees and berries.
The goal was to develop and market efficient, cost - effective organic pesticides.
Furthermore, I am known for my ability to devise organic pesticides, resulting in increased crop growth and decreased chances of crop disease.
The idea involves placing a tray of organic pesticide powder inside a commercially bred hive.
You can ensure that only organic pesticide free fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are used because you are making the recipes yourself with ingredients that you picked up at your local grocery store or farmers market.
Compounds extracted from the seeds of the neem could replace many of the synthetic organic pesticides now in use.
[25] However, under US federal organic standards, if pests and weeds are not controllable through management practices, nor via organic pesticides and herbicides, «a substance included on the National List of synthetic substances allowed for use in organic crop production may be applied to prevent, suppress, or control pests, weeds, or diseases.»
To test the discovery, van Montagu drew on a popular organic pesticide derived from another bacteria, Bacillus thuringensis, or Bt, which is still sprayed on organic farms today.
One 2010 study in PLOS ONE, for example, looked at organic pesticides applied to soybeans.
Choosing organic pesticides over synthetic pesticides may not effectively mitigate environmental risk in soybeans.
Organic produce can still contain organic pesticides and fungicides derived from natural sources.
«Since organic pesticides are not always as effective as synthetic pesticides, they may require more application to achieve the same level of protection,» says Gillean Barkyoumb, MS, RD, of Millennial Nutrition, LLC.
These insects can be controlled with organic pesticides.
sir no doubt organic pesticides are very effective in controlling most of the plant diseases and pests vizaviz protecting the envirinment but the most important drawback is that it cant be used on a small patch surrounded by inorganically treated crops / fields, so the way out is to popularize the use of organics among farmers as a holestic approach.
Here you will find information on the benefits of organic farming and organic food consumption, how to grow vegetables, how to make organic pesticides and manure.
The trend, he noted, is for a focus on single rather than rotated crops, an increased use of organic pesticides and herbicides and the importing of manure - based fertilizers from other locations.
Even if organic and conventional produce have virtually the same nutrients, an apple sprayed with harmful synthetic pesticides isn't the same as a plain apple with little to no exposure to organic pesticides.
Basically, there are two solutions: remove by hand or apply Bacillus thuringiensis, an organic pesticide which disrupts their gut and causes them to starve to death.
She also recommends using an organic pesticide to ensure that the plants you bring in aren't harboring unhatched insects.
Now a research team led by a scientist at the University of California, Riverside has sequenced the genomes of five nematodes, specifically, microscopic round worms likely to be involved in parasitism and widely used in agriculture as an organic pesticide.
That means these organic pesticides may have a worse overall impact on this environment that will conventional ones.
The study found that organic pesticides were more poisonous to the aphid's natural enemies than conventional pesticides were.
But be aware that, just because a product is organic doesn't mean it's necessarily environmentally friendly — some organic pesticides have a higher environmental impact than conventional ones.
Were the organic pesticides on my kale just as bad as the conventional pesticides?
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There are quirks — «there's an organic pesticide storage next to me, so it smells of garlic and ginger at odd times of day,» he said — but for less than $ 2 a square foot, «I can exist,» and he can sell artworks for a few thousand dollars apiece, he said.
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Formulated an organic pesticide, the use of which resulted in high organic content and crop yield • Saved 23 farm animals from an impending disease (discovered on the adjacent farmland) by quickly isolating and vaccinating them • Devised a novel irrigation system to provide water to all crop lines, without the use of sophisticated and expensive machinery • Suggested using the age old method of hand seeding, resulting in increased crop growth
• Introduced an organic pesticide, which resulted in increased crop growth and decreased wastage (brought on by chemical pesticides).
So while Farm Fuels board member Henry Smith runs his Ford pickup on the oil, the company is working with researchers looking into mustard seed's potential as an organic pesticide.
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