Sentences with phrase «organic unity»

"Organic unity" refers to the idea that various parts or elements come together in synergy to create a harmonious and integrated whole. It suggests that these parts are interdependent and work together naturally, enhancing each other's effectiveness and functioning as a unified entity. Full definition
There is a general evolution of matter in complexity and organic unity up to human beings.
Initially, Whitehead might seem to identify actual occasions as res vera to the exclusion of persons; however, careful thought, along with the addition of other Whiteheadian ideas, such as organic unities, casts doubt on the suspicion that for Whitehead only actual occasions are res vera.
Matter does not control or direct itself, yet science as it progresses is gradually uncovering a sort of organic unity within the universe in which atoms become molecules, molecules link to form chemicals that form proteins, these link to form DNA, simple life forms evolve into more complex life forms, and so on.
It is a way of talking about organic unity designed to dislodge our stuck imaginations by making reference to the ancient idea of conciliarity.
God's purpose in Christ is not merely to manifest his love to all mankind (though it intends that as well), but to establish a new organic unity transcending human fragmentariness.
We hold that most ordinary things are organic unities for Whitehead, including occasions, elementary particles, molecules, simple organisms and complex organisms.
We define this christological aim — God's purpose in Christ — to be the creative emergence of a new organic unity incorporating man, and confess that this aim was realized in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
This Something may be either the universe as «a single organic unity» or it may be only «certain of these sustaining conditions,» but in either case,
Whilst the talks at the Dominican organised event were Aquinas - lite there was a notable recognition that what has been termed substantial formality in the Catholic metaphysical tradition can now be seen to be a holistic organic unity.
Matter does not control or direct itself, yet science describes a sort of organic unity within the universe in which atoms become molecules, molecules link to form chemicals that form proteins, these link to form DNA, simple life forms evolve into more complex life forms, etc..
They are organic unities with a certain, if not absolute, autonomy.
The purpose of this book is to set forth the teaching of the Bible in such a way as to illustrate the consistency and organic unity of biblical thought: the harmony which underlies the all - too - obvious differences between the two Testaments, the threads of interrelationship which tie together their separate parts in a complex and fascinating...
We have one of those systems of circular causation which are characteristic of the whole Whiteheadian way of thought about organic unity.
There is no more question of «the organic unity of the products of culture, its harmonious, joy - giving being».
A person ought to be described then as containing within herself many societies, though societies in the sense of organic unities; a person is an organic unity, but a unity which contains many organic unities, such as elementary particles, atoms, molecules, cells, organs.
Covenanting is an attempt to envision and make possible the gradual achievement of an organic unity that would bring crucial parts of the churches together.
(1) First, it may be objected that brain wave activity is constituted by a vast plurality of electromagnetic events, whereas consciousness is an organic unity.
This technique endows the figure as a whole with an organic unity, while the sinuous, flowing topographical pattern these anatomical shapes form helps lead the eye in uninterrupted trajectories not just along but around the figure, again emphasizing the spatial depth of the composition.
But it will bring the churches together in their ecclesial life — in membership, mission and ministry — and it takes seriously the valuable diversity possible within organic unity.
Just as we all know Whitehead's emphasis on atomic units, so we should also recognize Russell's presentation of organic unities, and not to take simple metaphors in an exclusive and dogmatic way.
His survey's central theme is the relationship between the ideals of Christendom — an organic unity of government, church, and society — and of «biblicism,» a term he uses to convey the commitment to follow «the Bible alone» in structuring all aspects of life and faith.
As an organic unity, as «the one,» God is always in the past, the immediate past.
In the first place, Whitehead has never clearly stated in what sense and how God is an organic unity or a concrete individual.
The religious significance of Zionism becomes indisputable when one realizes that «to raise the Jews from a disintegrated and fragmented mass of individuals into an organic unity, whether it be the unity of the Jewish people as whole, or any part of it, is to create the conditions that make the Jewish religion possible» (JC 329).
Let it be noted that the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order has said clearly that «conciliar fellowship» does not refer to a goal different from that of «organic unity
Thus understood, the search for «organic unity» would indeed be a retreat from the vision of a dialogue of the hopes implied in the whole range of human cultures and experiences.
The traditional ecumenical goal, «organic unity» among the churches, has fallen on bad days, largely because it is thought to call for a needless suppression of diversity achieved through a generation or more of ecclesiastical self - preoccupation.
This does not commit us to the doctrine that this world - whole is an organic unity as we know it.
He claimed that the solution of cultural problems and contradictions, the necessity of obtaining the organic unity of humanity's world, urgently demanded the restoration of the lost harmony between the highest values of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
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