Sentences with phrase «organic world»

A first - person explorer where you're cast as an outsider in a surreal organic world that reacts to your presence.
Animal welfare is crucial in the certified organic world.
Shape of the world is a first - person explorer where you're cast as an outsider in a surreal organic world that reacts to your presence.
- Better understanding of organic world, organic value chain, services and development by practical examples and participatory work per session.
It feels good to be working with our neighbors on making better soil, healthier cows and a bigger organic world
The title of the exhibition alludes to Roszak's fascination with the dynamics of metamorphosis — the transformative energies of the natural, organic world as well as the potential of technology and industry to alter the world, for better and for worse.
Arkham Asylum, Dead Space, RE put Metroid in a bit of a spot in the console space since in several aspects they've evolved certain mechanics, by making more organic worlds, better shooting or visceral horror experiences.
As Morgan you will explore this space station and find dozens of secrets, supplies, lore details and more in one of the most organic worlds in the past few years.
It feels good to be working with our neighbors on making better soil, healthier cows and a bigger organic world
«We want to become the Alibaba of organic food, and connect the organic world,» said Figuerias.
There is, however, nothing in the process of development itself, whether in the organic world in general or in the realm of mind and morals, to call in question the creative and directive activity of God.
This may sound absurd since most people do not hear stones talk, but in an organic world view, everything is understood to be living to some degree.
Consequently, though the Aristotelian world is not the pluralistic world of totally independent substances which Whitehead so emphatically rejected, it is likewise not the organic world in which every individual entity can be said to become an integral part of some other actual entity.
Young's contention is that «a theology of Black liberation... must embrace an organic world view».
Hans Jonas has pointed out (in The Phenomenon of Life [Dell, 1968]-RRB- that the very essence of what we mean by life is mortality: «Mortality is the very condition of separate self - hood which in the instinct of self - preservation shows itself so highly prized throughout the organic world
IFOAM shall also develop strategic recommendations regarding sustainability development for the stakeholders of the organic world.
Explore the best of our organic world cuisine recipes — from Asia, India, Italy, Mexico and more — all spiced right with organic spices.
Since 1972, IFOAM has occupied an unchallenged position as the only international umbrella organization of the organic world, uniting an enormous diversity of stakeholders contributing to the organic vision.
Don McFarlane, former director on the Australian Organic board, was respected throughout the organic world for his enthusiasm, passion and dedication in sharing organic agriculture with anyone who was fortunate to meet him.
Don McFarlane, former director on the Australian Organic board, was respected throughout the organic world for his enthusiasm, passion and dedication in sharing organic agriculture with...
BIOFACH Congress: future - relevant topics substantiated by experts in a practice - oriented manner Together with the VIVANESS Congress, the BIOFACH Congress forms the knowledge transfer and networking event of the organic world.
Founded in 1972, we are the only international umbrella organization for the organic world, uniting diverse range of stakeholders contributing to the organic vision.
Ever wondered what it takes to be a certified organic farmer, how certification would benefit your business or what opportunities there are in the organic world for organic farmers?
Some of the ideas currently creating the most excitement in the organic world have strong echoes of the early days of the modern organic movement.
«The evolution of the eukaryotic cells was the single most important event in the history of the organic world,» said Ernst Mayr, the leading evolutionary biologist of the last century.
The mechanisms that are involved in the use, understanding, acquisition, and production of language at some level show up throughout the animal world, and in fact throughout the organic world; you find some of them in bacteria.
«He was able to transfer this inorganic knowledge to the organic world,» Lutz says.
We take in Darwin as a respectable patriarch of his community, and a scientist with a phenomenal clarity of vision into the organic world he fervently studies.
An independent quadruped A.I., capable of physically clambering around every surface and outcropping of a huge, organic world, responding to the player's inputs in realtime, responding to stimulus in the world, allowing the player to climb all over its entire body while it's climbing all over the game world, while reacting to the player's inputs, while reacting to enemy A.I.s, and more, is just an amazing thing.
Still, it never changes, and Fallout 4 proved that by presenting the breathtakingly gorgeous, organic worlds that we have come to love from Bethesda.
Resident Evil 7 creates a beautifully detailed and organic world that will surely immense players from the get go.
John is Anna's inverse; a metal sculptor whose work, always consisting of nails, has emerged from the common ground between geometric and organic worlds and their tendencies for replication and repetition.
Here, biomorphic lines are intended not only to reflect the organic world, but to engage in dialogue with it: many of these pieces find their fullest meaning within a natural setting — much like Henry Moore's undulating bodies or Barbara Hepworth's vital spirals.
From 1970, Merz began using the Fibonacci numerical sequence, which he believed could represent the developmental processes of the organic world, and which lies at the heart of the construction of his numerous installations.
The organic world and this harsh man - made environment make melancholy companions.
In the 90s, Cragg becomes attracted to classical sculptural materials and the organic world of nature.
In Over the Earth, Cragg explores not only nature and the forces of energy found in the organic world, but also how our reality is shaped by technology as well as the changing perspectives and pace of modern life.
Pottinger's works feel like macro and microcosms of her studio - world, as well as the organic world.
Each painting evokes the cluttered worktop of the natural historian's study, a Wunderkammer of found objects with the painter an eager collector and observer of the organic world, its multiple places and different times.
Embracing isolated areas, the compositions portray the wildness of the organic world when devoid of human presence and cultivation.
Transforming the organic world in geometric planes, Hannah Perry Saucier paints abstractions that elaborate how she organizes her world.
Milcah Bassel's newest work incorporates traditional printmaking and ceramics, employing abstract geometric forms as compartments of body interiors and exploring the perpetual human need to measure and quantify the organic world.
We see these beautiful co-adaptations most plainly in the woodpecker and mistletoe; and only a little less plainly in the humblest parasite which clings to the hairs of a quadruped or feathers of a bird;... in short, we see beautiful adaptations everywhere and in every part of the organic world
Her paintings combine imagery of the organic world and of human construction, both as she observes them and through the altering lens of memory.
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