Sentences with phrase «organism on»

Jaime gave us all very detailed instructions about what to do, but he couldn't come in the water with us while snorkeling — he joked that he was «doing the Baywatch thing» from the boat — and so couldn't see when someone's knee bumped a coral in shallower water, or when a flipper flicked an immobile organism on the bay's floor.
The burning of fossil fuels emits hazardous gases that affect not only humans, but every living organism on the planet.
Artist Statement «Let us try to find living organism on Mars!»
Gaia Theory (Lovelock) maintains that Mother Earth is a self - regulating system, an organism on a massive scale within which microorganisms interact to help generate the optimum conditions for their own... Continue reading →
It is the largest living organism on earth and the only one that is visible from outer space.
Soon you will find yourself soaring above the Great Barrier Reef, the largest living organism on the planet and one of the world's natural wonders.
On hindsight, as far as we know, there is no single organism on earth that will not require protein.
Malassezia is a normal, commensal organism on dog skin.
Diagnosis is based on finding the organism on microscopic examination of a fresh fecal sample.
Every living organism on the earth is associated in society.
There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern.
There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern... a virus.
I like good conversations.can be as varied as freakonomics to the first organism on earth.
The marketing of energy drinks as revitalizing, hydrating energy - boosters full of nourishing vitamins is one of the greatest ironies in the food business today, since they actually contain an incredible amount of sugar and are not healthy for your organism on so many levels.
Nearly every habitat and organism on earth contains a diverse collection of microorganisms called the microbiome.
By doing so, they hope to harness these communities of microorganisms that live in nearly every habitat and organism on earth and ultimately launch innovations in agriculture, energy, health, the environment, and more.
Virtually every organism on the planet — from bacteria to humans — has a circadian clock, a biological timing mechanism that oscillates with a period of about 24 hours and is coordinated with the cycle of day and night.
Ozone is made up of oxygen, but oxygen itself is generated by living organism on earth.
While a 300 - year - old tubeworm sounds impressive, it wouldn't be the longest living organism on Earth, or even in the sea.
Take any organism on earth, and its DNA and RNA have four nucleotide bases, or letters (usually abbreviated as A, T, C and G in DNA; in RNA, another base, U, takes the place of T).
He said he could potentially have the person become a fish trying to find food that's vanished, or an organism on a reef struggling to finding calcium for shell.
More than 200 taxonomists from 46 countries convened at London's Natural History Museum to hammer out protocols for a massive DNA «barcoding» effort — a move to collect specific gene tags from every organism on Earth.
FWS is required to designate critical habitat when it puts an organism on the endangered species list, although it doesn't always do this unless sued by environmental organizations.
In Biocode, Dawn Field and Neil Davies propose that to safeguard the earth's biodiversity, we should produce an exhaustive DNA sequence catalog of every organism on our planet.
Transposons have shaped the evolution of nearly every organism on Earth.
In I Contain Multitudes, Ed Yong vividly describes the intricate alliances forged by microbes with every other organism on the planet.
The numbers were clear: The small, steady shower of cosmic rays would supply enough energy to power a simple organism on all of the planets he simulated except Earth, Atri reports this week in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
The giant sequoia's size — it's the most massive non-fungal organism on Earth — is possible in part because its leaves are responsive to environmental changes.
With just 121 protein - coding genes, the diminutive Tremblaya princeps, a symbiotic bacterium that lives inside specialized cells of the sap - eating mealybug, has the smallest known genome of any cellular organism on the planet.
«Unlike any other organism on the planet, we have foresight, we understand what's happening, and we have science and technology.
Less than a micrometer in diameter, it's the most abundant photosynthetic organism on Earth, taking up carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
Focusing on specific genes or regions is an especially good strategy for taxonomy projects, where variation in a few genes is often sufficient to place an organism on a phylogenetic tree.
«In a different extraterrestrial locale, the proteins in an organism would not necessarily be the same as that of an organism on Earth, so they might use amino acids that are known to us but not used to make proteins on Earth,» said Mammoser.
J. lividum, she notes, is a naturally occurring organism on frogs» skins.
On a cold, sunny October day, I travel with Paul Rogers, an ecologist at Utah State University, to see the largest known living organism on Earth.
When Wade posted his self - replicating mathematical organism on a Life community website on 18 May, it sparked a wave of excitement.
Do piles of unread journals grow like an organism on your desk?
A sperm whale's click is by far the loudest sound produced by any organism on the planet.
Going by the name Pando (Latin for «I spread»), one particular colony of male aspen trees in Utah is not only the largest organism on earth (weighing in at over 6,000 tons), it is also the oldest, estimated to be 80,000 years old.
When more than 30 poison dart frogs in captivity at the National Zoo in Washington died over the course of several months in 1996, the perplexed pathologists sought to identify a mysterious organism on the frogs» skin.
Thirdly, there is the «living person,» which combines «individual originality with the safety of the material organism on which it depends» (PR 107 / 163).
If Jesus had said, «Follow me and you may suffer but you will be benefitting others but understand that you will die, rot and disappear just like every organism on the planet — there ain't no heaven with safety and happiness awaiting my disciples for the Kingdom is now.»
The bacterium which has been the chief vector, or vehicle, for DNA research is Escherichia Coli (E Coli), genetically and biochemically the most completely analyzed organism on earth, having been grown and studied in laboratories for more than 50 years.
God created Adam from a handful of dirt and his spouse from a rib; Talking snakes; trees that bear fruit, that imparts knowledge and eternal life; a global flood, that required a pair of each organism on earth, be stuffed onto a boat; people who lived hundreds of years; a man who was swallowed by a fish, only to be spit up 3 days later, unhurt; a tower god was afraid might reach heaven; a woman who is turned into a pillar of salt; talking donkeys; unicorns; satyrs; a leviathan god creates and then does battle with; a zombie messiah, who was actually god incarnate; zombie Saints who left their graves and wandered about the town; belief in a circular, flat earth.
If god created all the organisms on the planet, then He must have created even the germs that have caused and are causing so much death and suffering for humans and animals.
If god created all the organisms on the planet, then He must have created even the diseases that have caused and are causing so much death and misery for humans and animals.
Microbes will be the last living organisms on the planet.
Further, we are not to think of human organisms on the one side, and of a natural environment on the other.
Look at the age of fossilized bones, look at DNA evidence and all the other mountains of evidence about the LONG - TERM DYNAMICS of LIVING ORGANISMS on this planet over the span of BILLIONS of years.
All organisms on our little planet evolved.
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