Sentences with phrase «organisms age because»

According to the free radical theory of aging (FRTA), organisms age because of accumulated free radical damage to cells and DNA.
One theory holds that organisms age because of built - up genetic mutations that aren't weeded out by natural selection — a disease, say, that hits after your reproductive prime.

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«The orchestration of gene expression no longer seemed coordinated as the organism aged and the results were confusing because genes related to the same function were going up and down at the same time,» says Petrascheck.
Because the PP4 DNA of worms is over 90 % identical with that of humans, it is possible that the protein plays a similar role in all animals as a universal regulator of meiosis, particularly as an organism ages.
Evolution theory plays a critical role in the why issue because it attempts to explain why each living organism has its particular design and therefore why different species display different aging characteristics and different life spa...
Those islands are there because as the volcanic corals have subsided, the sea level has gone up (since the last ice age), and the growth of coral organisms has kept up.
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