Sentences with phrase «organisms at»

It is beneficial to photosynthetic organisms at the bottom of the food chain and therefore «can» lead to increases in productivity throughout the food chain.
As if rising sea levels aren't enough to worry about, U.S. Geological Survey scientists say melting glaciers may also adding significant amounts of carbon to the oceans, where it's readily available to microscopic organisms at the base of the food chain.
Plankton, the tiny organisms at the bottom of the ocean food chain that so much of marine life depends on, drift with the ocean currents, but sometimes come together in dense patches under the surface that can later rise to the surface as red tides.
Pets are often exposed to several different respiratory disease organisms at the same time.
Annette Cotter: GE — or manipulation of organisms at a genetic level by crossing species barriers is an inherently risky business.
Hyperbiotics PRO-15 is released at consistent levels throughout the day and throughout your Gl tract; whereas other capsules more closely resemble a bomb being dropped in your upper stomach - releasing all organisms at one time, often causing digestive upset.
Hyperbiotics PRO-15 is released at consistent levels throughout the day and throughout your Gl tract, whereas other capsules more closely resemble a bomb being dropped in your upper stomach - releasing all organisms at one time, and often causing digestive upset.
Floratrex is one of the best, all natural solutions for replenishing your gut's supply of good bacteria and keeping harmful organisms at bay.
Like the gut, the skin is home to over a trillion organisms at any given time, including thousands of species of bacteria as well as viruses and fungi.
Free from genetically modified organisms at every stage of production.
The resulting changes in pH, Ωcarb, and pCO2 affect calcifying organisms at the base of the food chain, creating effects that propagate through higher trophic levels [1], [3].
Russ Hodge from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, explains how recent developments in microscopy show cells and organisms at work.
There is also a postdoc research associate position open in parasite genomics, as part of an established and successful research group focused on integrating «omics» approaches aimed at understanding organisms at a molecular level.
The fossils bear similarities to modern organisms at early stages of development.
The facility, personnel involved and experiments with animals at CNB - CSIC comply with the legislation on experimentation with animals and work with genetically modified organisms at the European Level (Directive 86 / 609 / CEE, 98 / 81 / CEE, 2003 / 65 / CE) and at National Level (Spanish Law 9/2003, April 25th, Real Decreto 178/2004, January 30th; and Real Decreto 1201/2005; October 10th).
In an algae - eat - algae world, it's the single - celled photosynthetic organisms at the top (layer of the ocean) that absorb the most sunlight.
When they sink to the seafloor at the end of their life cycles, they take the carbon from the surface waters with them, provide it as food to organisms at the bottom or store it in deep water layers after decomposition.
The mission of the HFSP is to promote, through international cooperation, basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms at all levels of complexity: from individual biomolecules up to interactions between organisms.
High - powered microscopes allowed visitors to see small objects and organisms at high magnification.
To test this, Rick Relyea, a biologist at the University of Pittsburg in Pennsylvania, simulated a pond ecosystem by filling 1000 - liter tanks with well water, plankton, various tadpole species, and other organisms at the same densities found in nature.
It's a ladder of progress with simple organisms at the bottom and humans at the top.
Since Darwin, however, most scientists have agreed that life on Earth is linked in a giant evolutionary tree, with single - celled organisms at the root and modern species at the tips.
The first captures small, fast moving organisms at an unprecedented rate and the second displays large cell samples in three dimensions while decreasing the amount of harmful light exposure to the cells.
«I would be incredibly surprised if we get there and find no organisms at all.»
The CRISPR - Cas9 technology allows researchers to transiently introduce DNA double - strand breaks into the genome of cells or model organisms at genes of choice.
Scientists have found that about half of the organisms at Cuatro Cienegas are most closely related to marine life, even though the oases here have not been in contact with the ocean for tens of millions of years.
Brandt led a small army of scientists on three expeditions to the Weddell Sea in Antarctica, where they collected bottom - dwelling organisms at 40 different locations, some in waters nearly four miles deep.
But the few predictive models are still hotly debated, and they apply to only a narrow range of organisms at best.
Bay muds often have a high organic content, consisting of decayed organisms at lower depths, but may also contain living creatures when they occur at the upper soil layer and become exposed by low tides; then, they are called mudflats, an important ecological zone for shorebirds and many types of marine organisms.
Transparent eggs and fry are «ideal for getting light in and getting light out,» notes Eric Edsinger, who develops model organisms at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass..
Still, because organisms at northern latitudes have evolved in a world of high ozone, «they may be susceptible to even a few percent increase in UV,» Newman says.
Concentrations of selenium, a vital element for many organisms at the base of today's ocean food chain, dropped substantially in seawater in advance of three of Earth's largest die - offs, a new study suggests.
Infection was documented by the presence of clinical signs of sepsis and by positive cultures for pathogenic organisms at one or more of the following sites: blood, spinal fluid, urine, stool, pleural fluid, umbilicus, or surgical wound.
The second sort of mechanistic ecologist says the units in the game are not individual organisms at all but communities or ecosystems.
''... All novelty and emergence is really due to the constitutive relationships at lower levels which enable and effect the emergence of novel systems and organisms at higher levels.
When you say miracle of life, do you mean conception of a child in todays world or are you talking about single - celled organisms at the advent of life on earth?
We don't know how it is grounded in brain activity, nor whether it is an emergent capacity of the evolution of organisms at all, so we can't possibly know whether it is bound to emerge from the evolution of other physical systems.
We say that mutation is random in relation to the needs of the organism at the time the mutation occurs.
So we say that mutation is random in relation to the needs of the organism at the time the mutation occurs.
My ex and non of the men I have dated over the last 4 years have bothered to understand woman parts so... it is good isn't it I had my first organism at the age of 48 following divorce, I have been missing out.
This enhanced genetic analysis, and a review of fossils, showed that green algae evolved from a unicellular organism at least 200 million years ago, the researchers report this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The four-fold boost in territory will cover an area with more than 7,000 marine species, including a coral that is the world's oldest - known living organism at 4,265 years old.
He said traditional drugs to treat tapeworm infection — which target the whole organism at the larval stage - might not have been effective against tapeworm cancer cells, and it's also unclear whether chemotherapy for normal human cancer cells could have helped shrink the tumors.
Instead of sequencing the genome of one organism at a time, what if you could sequence an entire ecosystem at once?
Muscle cells can not grow or multiply during these conditions, because the priority of the organism at that moment is the immune system, rather than muscle growth.
If mankind could change the genes of any organism at will, then medicine and health would be completely transformed — and life as we know it would change completely.
Viruses are also not considered to be plants, since they do not have a cell of their own, but inhabit a host cell of another organism; moreover, in many classifications they are not considered a living organism at all.

Not exact matches

«Rome is burning at the moment,» Christopher Page, a biologist who oversees production and growth of new coral seeds at Mote, told me as he pointed to a tank full of polyps, the name for individual coral organisms.
While the mechanisms at play aren't totally understood, he said, young organisms» blood not only contains all sorts of proteins that improve cell function; somehow it also prompts the recipients» body to increase its production of those proteins.
The animal - welfare standards, along with the company's sustainable - seafood policy (it sells no fish at low levels of abundance), Responsibly Grown ratings, and decision to become the first national grocery chain to label whether products contain genetically modified organisms, all show a bit of Mackey's libertarian streak.
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