Sentences with phrase «organisms evolve»

Mother Nature is nothing if not clever, especially as evidenced in the beautiful ways that organisms evolve.
Are there implications in this for evolution — where organisms evolve in 3 dimensions but exist in 4?
But natural selection isn't the only mechanism by which organisms evolve, she said.
Scientists are already rethinking the way organisms evolve and how traits are passed on from parent to offspring.
A few studies have suggested that, when exposed to the same environmental conditions, organisms evolve in the same way.
«The theory is that as organisms evolve to be larger, the single - celled embryo (or zygote) is selected to be larger as well.
In evolutionary convergence, two genetically unrelated organisms evolve similar traits, and biologists at Heidelberg University have now uncovered an example of convergence at the subcellular level in unicellular organisms and cnidarians.
Now, new research offers a potential solution: Longer RNA chains could have hidden out in porous rocks near volcanic sites such as hydrothermal ocean vents, where unique temperature conditions might have helped complex organisms evolve.
When organisms evolve, minor mutations can lead to changes in their molecules.
«Wiggling and jiggling»: Study explains how organisms evolve to live at different temperatures.»
Digital evolution — computer software in which populations of digital organisms evolve.
New models suggest groups of humans evolve following some universal rules, and not unlike how organisms evolve.
Natural selection, an essential part of the process by which organisms evolve into richer and more complex forms, inevitably involves a great deal of suffering, death, and general failure of organisms to flourish.
The error of the argument is that organisms evolve to fit the environment and not vice versa.
The universe evolves, galaxies evolve, organisms evolve, societies evolve, cultures evolve, technology evolves, languages evolve, and so on and so forth.
I don't care what you believe in, organisms evolve.
Scientists may think they have good reasons for believing that living organisms evolved naturally from nonliving chemicals, or that complex organs evolved by the accumulation of micromutations through natural selection, but having reasons is not the same as having proof.
However, from the things I have read, from what I see the fossil record does not show how the original organisms evolved into all of the organisms that we have on earth today.
Along with many other researchers in the field, Gould's works were sometimes deliberately taken out of context by creationists as «proof» that scientists no longer understood how organisms evolved.
The chance of large organisms evolving is insanely small, to the point of basically being impossible.
First, I agree that scientists do not know how the first organism evolved.
Just like gazelle outrunning cheetahs, penguins surviving an Antarctic winter, and single - celled organisms evolving into human beings.
A microbial fuel cell, for example, could generate electricity by capturing electrons from the bacteria on electrodes instead of the rocks that these organisms evolved to breathe.
Jennifer DeBruyn, a microbiologist at the University of Tennessee, who was not involved in the study, says it is not surprising that an organism evolved the capacity to degrade polyethylene.
But Volvox is more than just a microscopic curiosity; it's a model for the study of how multicellular organisms evolved.
When this happens, one might expect that if the host organism evolves into two species, its symbiont would follow suit — a process called «cospeciation» or «congruent evolution.»
Volvox is a perennial favorite among biologists, who study the alga to learn how multicellular organisms evolved.
So - called RNA viruses are rogues: smaller, fast - replicating shape - shifters, descended from a time that evolutionary biologists refer to as the RNA world, back near the base of life's tree, before today's DNA - based organisms evolved.
«Predation, or the action of attacking one's prey, is a significant factor in evolution; this discovery is extremely important in the study of how organisms evolved in the Cambrian Period,» Schiffbauer said.
It's cross-correlated: The shape of the landscape is dependent on what all the organisms are doing, so even as an organism evolves, the landscape is always changing.
«All the questions we have about ancient evolutionary events — what our last common ancestor looked like, when methane metabolism arose, when oxygen - producing organisms evolved — they really benefit from having more genomes to look at and a more detailed tree,» says Parks.
«It's tantalizing to ask how can this organism evolve, now that it is equipped with a method for not only using a nonnatural building block but also for creating that building block,» says Liu.
She said that doing so would result in new information of how organisms evolved over a period of 120,000 years in isolation from the earth's atmosphere.
The researchers involved were surprised to learn that the ability to walk evolved from a gene found in creatures that can not, as past theories suggest that organisms evolved the ability as they first crawled out of the ocean.
Most of the coal we burn still in these waning years of fossil fuel use derives from trees that died and could not rot, because the organisms evolved to eat the strong, tough cell walls of trees did not yet exist.
In cases where the problems have been local our society has made laws to limit the harmful effects; just as an organism evolves methods of protecting itself from the toxins it produces.
For instance, there is compelling scientific evidence that our planet is about 4.5 billion years old (the theory of the origin of Earth), that our universe was born from a single event about 14 billion years ago (the Big Bang theory), and that today's organisms evolved from ones living in the past (the theory of evolution).
If that will have any impact on sea life is doubtful as the main calcifying organisms evolved at much higher CO2 levels during the Cretaceous, witnessed by the white cliffs of Dover and many such places all over the world...
But if this microscopic organism evolved from more complex jellyfish down to something with just a few cells, they may call into question the boundary of that definition.

Not exact matches

Like any living organism, the needs of the members and the purpose of the tribe can change and evolve,» says Lampshire.
There's nothing in the theory of evolution which says an intermediate form (or any organism, for that matter) can have only one line of descendents, or that the intermediate form itself has to go extinct when a line of descendents evolves.
Organisms change over time (evolve) is a fact.
Actually, science has been able to show how the very first proteins and cellular organism did evolve from non-life.
I just think that humans EVOLVED as hetero - sexual organisms, and if being omni - sexual was so much more beneficial, then we'd all be doin» it like the sea slugs do on discovery channel).
If you look at the curent state of living organisms there is little question that the species are devolving rather than evolving.
Another fool, trying to compare a manufactured device to an organically evolved organism.
He has employed a similar tactic suggesting that it's crazy to think we evolved from other organisms.
I like to think we can apply this same logic to many other things, including a belief that we evolved on this planet from microscopic organisms.
Then, as a result of genetic duplication, random selection and the environment, those simple life forms * evolved * into slightly more complex organisms.
But cells and organisms (bad and good) evolve / mutate.
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