Sentences with phrase «organisms like»

as it was previously said here, it won't prevent acidification of oceans but such molecules like sulphates are known to provoke acidic rains, and even atmospheric pollution for some sensitive organisms like lichens.
With respect to evolution, and this comment from # 47: «Complex marine organisms like fish usually have many offspring at each spawning event and because of this it is sometimes assumed that their rate of reproduction is rapid.
At high latitudes where temperatures are frequently cooler, there's strong selection for organisms like caterpillars to be able to accomplish more metabolism at relatively low temperatures.»
To overcome the limiting supply of CO2, organisms like coral concentrate bicarbonate ions in compartments into which they pump H + ions and lower the pH. As seen in Figure 2, at pH 5 or lower, 90 % of the DIC converts to CO2.
In some areas, the heat build - up is forming a dense layer of oxygen - poor surface water, which affects ocean organisms like plankton.
Calcium forming organisms like shellfish, snails and microscopic plankton, which are at the base of the food chain, react sensitively to ocean acidification.
Furthermore, the findings might not just apply to organisms like krill in the upper kilometer of the ocean, but also to jellyfish, squid, fish, and mammals that swim even deeper, potentially churning the entire water column.
So there is the first bit of information: If you do not believe that the climate is warming on a global scale then in terms of evolution you are less knowledgeable about your environment (less intelligent) then the great majority of animals, plants, insects, and even ocean dwelling single celled organisms like plankton.
They consume the carbon that one - celled aquatic organisms like phytoplankton breathe out, excrete, or leave behind as detritus.
His work at Prospect deals with natural organisms like us except — they are coral.
Omega fatty acids are naturally found in fish and other marine organisms like salmon, anchovies, krill and albacore tuna (among others) and are totally safe to give your pet.
Some infections, due to organisms like the Lyme disease bacteria (a spirochaete), the bordetella bacteria that causes kennel cough or cat chlamydia, your pet can catch again and again.
This certainly is the case with antibiotics that destroy colonies of beneficial organisms allowing the overgrowth of invasive, opportunistic organisms like Candida albicans.
It provides a safe haven for organisms like Listeria, E. coli and legionella which can reproduce to levels where contamination of products passing through that water becomes inevitable.
Vectors (e.g., organisms like fleas and ticks) can also carry zoonotic diseases
They can be caused by bacteria or fungal organisms like yeast.
(ref), and perhaps in some, infectious organisms like leptospirosis.
They may be bugs you see, fungus that's microscopic, or single - cell organisms like protozoan.
Even if you don't see little sand tracks, your cat could be spreading organisms like toxoplasmosis right in the path of tonight's dinner.
This special issue highlights the different ways in which organisms like bacteria and fungi develop resistance to the chemicals that humans use to combat them
This makes garlic a surprisingly good defense against harmful organisms like bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungus.
Glucans can create up to 60 % of the cellular wall of many fungal organisms like Candida albicans, a major player in candida overgrowth in the G.I. tract.
mTOR is found in virtually all multi-cellular organisms and indeed, many single celled organisms like yeast (where much of the research on autophagy is done).
Prebiotics are substances (fiber) that these organisms like to live on.
The lymphatic system helps regulate the body's fluid composition, while the immune system also helps to rid the body of foreign organisms like bacteria.
If you're not vigilant to do this, the top layer of kimchi that is exposed to air may build up aerobic organisms like yeasts and molds on the surface.
This is important, because our bodies have billions of good bacteria that provide protection from such gut wrenching disease organisms like Clostridium difficile.
Harmful organisms like parasites and fungi living in your gut can cause an imbalance of intestinal flora, which are directly linked to food sensitivities and reoccurring yeast infections.
Organisms like Spirulina and phytoplankton are examples of microalgae.
«In studies of what is called the hygiene hypothesis, researchers are concluding that organisms like the millions of bacteria, viruses and especially worms that enter the body along with «dirt» spur the development of a healthy immune system.
Since these creepy crawlies can transmit organisms like salmonella that cause food - borne illness, dump the dish.
Organisms like plants and algae use sunlight for photosynthesis to create oxygen and other important by - products.
Like with diabetes, a weakened immune system due to HIV or AIDS makes it hard for you to fight off organisms like yeast that normally co-exist happily in your body.
Genetically modified organisms like transgenic mice are important tools for understanding the function of cell types in the nervous system.
However, if this star is as young as chromospheric activity alone would suggest, then it is likely that only primitive organisms like bacteria that can survive heavy meteorite or cometary bombardment would be likely to survive on any Earth - type planet that has cooled sufficiently to allow carbon - based lifeforms to develop.
Multicellular organisms like plants and animals are complex...
Biologists were surprised to discover that the ecosystems found on the ocean floor along these mid-ocean ridges, consisting of complex organisms like tube worms, clams, and crabs, were dependent for their food on thermophilic chemosynthetic bacteria, which produced organic compounds using the oxidation of inorganic molecules as an energy source, instead of sunlight.
For the next step, researchers have proposed testing the quantum nature of living organisms like viruses.
By cleverly contorting the paddle create more drag on the power stroke than on the recovery stroke, single cell organisms like paramecia break the symmetry of their stroke and thus elude the scallop conundrum.
In some areas, the heat build - up is forming a dense layer of oxygen - poor surface water, which affects ocean organisms like plankton.
Multicellular organisms like plants and animals are complex co-operative structures made of many specialized cell types, while a single yeast cell can survive and proliferate without the help of others.
Early Earth also was hotter than today, the sea contained great amounts of dissolved silica due to a lack of planktonic organisms like today that use it for their shells.
The real surprise was [the DNA] sequences indicating larger organisms like clams and jellyfish.
(Single - cell organisms like bacteria that divide into identical clones are the exception.)
Vincent, who has referenced Duesberg's theory in his own papers, believes that cancerous cells exploit an ancient survival mechanism, reverting to the form of protozoa - like organisms from before the time when single cells began cooperating to create multicellular organisms like us.
«Organisms like to take advantage of those situations,» Glein says.
«Amy's video is both beautiful to watch on an aesthetic level and beautiful to watch as an illustration of how simple model organisms like Ashbya can give us insights into human diseases like Alzheimer's,» Atkinson continues.
Not only do biofouling organisms like mussels threaten to slice open an unlucky swimmer's foot, they have significant economic and environmental costs: the US Navy alone spends ~ $ 1 billion per year on antifouling efforts, and many species are invasive pests that hitch rides to new environments on ships» hulls.
For 3 billion years, life on Earth was only home to water - dwelling, single - celled organisms like bacteria.
Next, the team used the process of dietary restriction, which has been shown to increase the lifespan of organisms like C. elegans, and observed that the worms» splicing patterns stayed youthful throughout the creatures» lives.
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